The Benefits of Turmeric

The benefits of turmericturmeric

Turmeric has been used for its healing properties for thousands of years. Anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting, this natural health supplement can help to relieve pain and treat inflammation in the body, but it’s also an amazing skin care ingredient, helping to fade pigmentation and brighten the complexion. Whether you prefer it in a deliciously warming Turmeric latte, supplement form or in your skin care, this natural spice has so many health and beauty benefits.


Turmeric health benefits

Turmeric powder is a golden yellow spice derived from the Turmeric root, part of the Ginger family. It has long been used in cooking for its aromatic, spicy flavour and rich yellow pigment, but has actually also been used for over 4000 years as a medicinal treatment in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. In India, it has been used in paste form on the skin to treat everything from smallpox to blemishes. Naturally anti-inflammatory, Turmeric is also known to help treat internal inflammation such as bowel troubles, arthritis and joint pain. Curcumin, the active ingredient, is rich in beneficial antioxidants which help to stop free radical damage in the body, while its antibacterial properties have also been used to fight viral colds and the flu and provide support for the immune system.