How to survive in a Covid pandemic

Some facts about the ‘vaccine’:

The vaccine has been wrongly labelled as a ‘vaccine’. It should be more correctly be called a Covid ‘injection’. Even news media are now (occasionally) using the term ‘injection’. The Covid injection is not a vaccine because it works differently to known vaccines. The injection of mRNA, forms a spike protein in the body.


‘mRNA vaccines work by using mRNA, or messenger RNA, which is the molecule that essentially puts DNA instructions into action. Inside a cell, mRNA is used as a template to build a protein.’

The spike protein makes the antibody. (In the case of the Covid injection, the antibody is not directly injected into the body, as in the case of the Flu and other vaccines – the spike protein makes the antibody). This is therefore an experimental, genetic injection. The spike protein can break through the blood-brain barrier and cause multiple problems, if not immediately, months or years after having the injection. There are now thousands of people with undocumented side-effects coming forward, reporting to unofficial data sites.  

For those of us who refuse to take the injection, how do we survive if an outbreak of Covid comes our way?

Prepare yourself now by building your immune system. Covid has a more severe effect on a compromised immune system. How do we build up our immune system?

  1. Diet! Avoid sugar and foods that contain it. However natural sugar in fruit is fine – but don’t overdo the fruit. Two pieces a day is enough. Eat plenty of salads and vegetables. Stay away from processed foods. Home cooking from raw ingredients is best.
  2. Take a Vitamin D supplement. Most people are Vitamin D deficient. Get your Vitamin D level checked.
  3. Take a colloidal (liquid) mineral supplement and a reputable multivitamin that includes Vit B complex and C.
  4. Make sure you are eating enough protein.
  5. Drink pure water.
  6. Get plenty of exercise.
  7. Get plenty of good quality sleep.

What if you do get Covid? (or if you are surrounded by it and likely to get it…)

The following has been recommended by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who is on the ‘list’ for presenting ‘disinformation’. However, her advice is extremely wise.

  1. Know your Vitamin D level. Take a D supplement.
  2. Take Vitamin C.
  3. Take a zinc supplement.
  4. Take a quercetin supplement. (My comment: Herbs of Gold is a good brand)
  5. Take Colloidal Silver (not all the time because it kills both good and bad gut bacteria)
  6. Find a doctor who will prescribe Ivermectin for you. This medication has no side-effects and causes no complications.
  7. Find a doctor who will prescribe Hydroxychloroquine for you. Alternate this medication with Ivermectin, week about.
  8. Take detoxification baths, e.g., bentonite clay, but shower after the bath to get rid of toxic residue.