Styrofoam food and drink containers and your health

For those who have an interest in minimizing cancer risk …

In June, the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), added styrene, (used in Styrofoam cups and food containers), to its list of substances “reasonably anticipated” to cause cancer. Styrene has also been linked to nerve damage and hormonal disruption.

Chemicals leach into food and drinks.

When you drink hot liquids from Styrofoam cup, you also take in small doses of the chemicals that leach from it. “Trace amounts of polystyrenecofee cup, as well as various chemical additives in polystyrene, migrate into food or drink,” says Olga Naidenko, PhD, senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group (

The levels released from food containers are very low, but it adds to the multitude of environmental toxins we are exposed to.