The history of vaccines

The Truth about Vaccines

Notes from a video documentary series by Ty and Charlene Bollinger, April 2020

The video series can be purchased from:

This series has 9 episodes. The first 7 episodes were begun in 2017. The final two episodes, 8 & 9, were added March 2020.

Who is Ty Bollinger? A health researcher and health freedom advocate.

He is not a medical practitioner and personally makes no medical claims. He simply interviews medical doctors, scientists, vaccine damaged individuals and parents of vaccine damaged children, allowing the testimonials to speak for themselves. Robert Kennedy Jr is also a member of the panel. He is a lawyer who fights for freedom of choice when it comes to vaccines.

Episode 1: The history of vaccines, Smallpox, vaccine safety and vaccination schedule

In this episode:

  1. Scientific integrity of vaccines
  2. Compulsory vaccines
  3. Why do vaccines work?

Introduction: There is a common opinion that people are either “pro” or “anti” vaccination. This is not the case. People may be pro immunization but have questions about the safety of vaccines. These people should be allowed to ask questions without being shut down. We should all be pro-science and pro-public health.

How vaccines work

The pioneer of the small pox vaccine, Edward Jenner 1798, took some Cowpox cells to prime the immune system so that the body would recognize the virus and lead to the production of antibodies.

The battle against Smallpox was won, but in winning the battle, we lost the war.

The problem with vaccines today is that there is collateral damage.

Collateral damage is any death, injury, or other damage inflicted that is an unintended result of military operations.

…meaning that while we may be eradicating certain diseases, vaccines may introduce even greater problems.

There needs to be more investigation, but today’s climate is not conducive to true debate. The moment you question the safety of vaccines you are labelled “anti” or an “anti-vaxxer”.

Informed consent is not happening.

There is no weighing up of the risks and benefits.

Vaccine education in medical school is very limited and biased. Doctors are only taught the schedule, not what’s in a vaccine and definitely no mention of risks.

Before 1991 the were 3 principle infant vaccines: MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Polio, DTaP (diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis/whooping cough)

After 1991 there were many more.

Vaccine hesitancy

Some parents showed concern about the number of vaccines given to infants and requested that they could be delayed or spread out, rather than given according to the schedule. These parents were labeled as having the problem of “vaccine hesitancy”.

The WHO passed a statement that in the case of vaccine hesitancy, “a delay in acceptance or refusal to vaccinate despite availability of service” then there is a recommendation to push or persuade parents to conform. Pediatricians are being persuaded to coerce parents.

In 1995, 13 doses of the 3 vaccines were given to babies under 6 months.

Now, (2020) there are 26 doses.

Authorities quote a study on delayed vaccines. The results of the study they say were “no benefit and no adverse effect”. However, this study was done earlier, based on the 13 doses, not the 26.

Vaccine safety

Is it possible to say that some vaccines work and some don’t? or that some have side effects and some don’t?

Some contain live viruses and some contain dead viruses.

All vaccines require additives to create an immune response. Aluminum is the most common additive. Additives can cause allergies. Example: MMR contains live viruses plus aluminum.

What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?

From birth to the age of 18 a child will receive 69 doses. Doses have tripled since the 1970s.

What is the epidemic of disability?

Since 1989 there has been an epidemic of Autism, ADD, rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy, diabetes, Bipolar, Tourette’s, SIDS, food allergies and more.

Something is happening to the brains of our children. Something is interfering with the proper sequence of brain development. No one is asking why.

A newborn receives 9 doses at once, (not 9 injections).

The best educated parents want to delay. They research the science.

Many pediatricians do not follow the vaccine schedule for their own children.

There are no official studies on the synergistic effects of multiple vaccines. i.e. the cross reactions of giving multiple vaccine doses at once. Example: how does one metal such as aluminum react with another – mercury? How does one microorganism react with another? E.g. MMR

There have been thousands of independent studies on vaccine safety, proving it to be a problem, but these are not accepted and rejected by mainstream medicine.

Why do we need studies?

Take a look at tobacco – a leading killer. We know this because of studies.

Vaccine manufacturers are safeguarded

Since the late 1980s an Act was passed to protect vaccine manufacturers. They cannot be sued for damage caused by a vaccine.

Is the principle of vaccination sound?

Yes, but the love of money has led to irresponsible manufacturing.

What do doctors say about reactions?

Doctors are not taught what a vaccine reaction looks like. When a parent raises a question, a doctor will say that it is a “coincidence”, even if it’s brain damage.

A doctor’s testimonial:

In his practice in 1985, he did not see a single case of Autism. But since then the Autism rate has skyrocketed.

In children of one year, he saw symptoms such as no speech, no eye contact.

The law dictates that doubts cannot be discussed.

Vaccines and the immune system

What keeps us healthy is a really strong immune system.

We immunize ourselves through exposure to viruses.

Vaccines make your immune system weak, and make you vulnerable to other infections.

Episode 2: What’s in a vaccine? How effective are vaccines?

The safety and effectiveness of vaccines are monitored through “epidemiological studies”. Epidemiology is the study of a population. These kinds of studies are very susceptible to manipulation.

Big Pharma is controlled by 4 major drug companies, e.g. Merck, Glaxo

Testimonial from a Merck ex-employee

When working for Merck he saw how the training and procedures were unethical. He saw from the inside how statistics are twisted. Statistics don’t lie, but statisticians do.

Clinical trials by the drug companies are small.

Children who are sick, have allergies or immune system disorders, are eliminated from the test group.

Saline (inert) placebos are not used, but instead, another vaccine, or a vaccine with most of the same ingredients as the one they are testing.

Animal tissues such as chicken embryos, monkey and dog embryos are neutralized with formaldehyde.

A statement from the 2005 report on contaminants: “We do not know whether foreign DNA will lead to an event.” (An admission that foreign DNA is present in vaccines.)

The flu shot – contains formaldehyde and detergent. It doesn’t matter that it’s in very small amounts. If it’s toxic it shouldn’t be there.

Formaldehyde is known to cause cancer. Common cancers in children include leukemia. This has been shown to be related to formaldehyde exposure.

A person with a strong immune system doesn’t need a vaccine.

Why toxins in vaccines? Toxins (called “adjuvants”) are necessary to create an inflammatory response.

MSG, a food additive is now an ingredient in some vaccines. This is a cytotoxin that overstimulates the cells to such an extent that some cells cease to operate, (nerve damage).

Foetal tissue from chicken, dog, monkey and humans are common – especially lung tissue. Foetuses of humans are 3 months or older.

The substrates, (the material in which the vaccine is developed in), can contain glyphosate (Roundup). Glyphosate is accumulative. It opens up the blood-brain barrier which can cause “Leaky Gut” and gluten intolerance. It is irritative, inflaming and aggravates normal brain development. It can cause learning disability, speech delay and inability to focus.

Thimerosal is the mercury element of some vaccines, e.g. flu and Hep B

Ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) is another ingredient.

The surfactant Polysorbate 80 is an emulsifier which opens up the tight junctions, e.g. blood-brain barrier. The purpose of the emulsifier is to bind to bacteria and viruses, to get them to go across the blood-brain barrier.

What do the material safety data sheets say?

Polysorbate 80 – hazardous on skin contact; shown to cause “adverse reproductive effects” in animal studies; animal studies show that it may cause cancer and may be mutagenic

The argument is, that it is only in miniscule amounts, but with 49 doses by the age of six the effect is accumulative.

Aluminium in vaccines is not the same as what you might inhale or ingest in food or water. The structure is such that it can pass into the brain. Aluminium particles, when bound to the emulsifier increase transport of the toxic substances to the brain 20-fodl.

While vaccine materials are not supposed to get into the brain, they do in some cases, being responsible for ADD, autism and other learning problems. More testing is needed!

Aluminium is contained in the following vaccines: Hep A, Hep B, DTaP, Meningocele, and Flu.

In mouse studies aliminium has been shown to cause food sensitivities and autoimmune diseases.

Aluminium (and/or thimerosal) must be used in a vaccine as an adjuvant, UNLESS the vaccine contains a live virus.

Live viruses in vaccines:

The following contain live viruses: MMR, Chicken pox

Increasing neuro-degenerative diseases in adults due to Aluminium

This is now being seen – the flu shot is being pushed on to adults

When nano particles are bound to Polysorbate 80, the aluminium gets into the grain and stays there for years. When you ingest alumiunium it has the chance of being excreted. But not with injecting. Aluminium also causes bone decomposition.

How much alumiunium is safe?

An FDA document states that no more than 5 mcg of aluminiun should ever be taken/given in one day. We are far exceeding the safe dose limit.

Children at birth receive the Hep B vaccination. This is 20 times the safety level. A 2-month-old baby receives 50 times the safety limit.

The FDA code of regulations states that 25 mg in a day is the maximum for a non-oral dose. Let’s look at the quantities contained in a single dose of these:

  • HIB 225 mcg
  • Hep B 250 mcg
  • DTaP 170 – 625 mcg
  • HPV (Gardasil) 225 mcg
  • Pneumococcal 125 – 330 mcg
  • Combo vaccines up to 880 mcg

Doctors do not know these figures and do not know about the safety issues.

Dangers of mercury and aluminium together

e.g. in Flu vaccine and Hep B – aluminium can lead to death of nerve cells.

Products labelled “Thimerosal-free” (mercury-free) still contain “trace amounts”.

How much is a “trace amount”? – up to 0.3 mcg per dose.

A product can contain 3 times the amount of mercury of a product that is usually classified as toxic waste.

Robert Kennedy offered $100,000 to anyone who could find a study showing that thimerosal is safe. None were found, although there are 240 studies showing the harmful effects, e.g. speech delay, autism, ADD, tics.

Studies show that thimerosal: is mutagenic; may cause cancer; affects fertility; may cause birth defects.

A study on mercury in infants showed that the earlier the exposure, the greater the risk of autism.

Now the Flu shot is being pushed on pregnant women, so the foetus will be receiving the dose.

The Flu shot contains a multi-dose: 25 mcg of thimerosal.

No testing of these vaccines has been done.

The DTaP vaccine is now added to the schedule for pregnant women. This gives a huge dose of aluminium. There are no long-term studies on effects of vaccines on pregnant women.

Mercury is the most toxic mineral on the planet.

Interviews relating to vaccine damage

  1. A parent revealed that her child was talking by the age of 1 year. After being vaccinated month later, (MMR, Pneumococcal, Varicella/Chicken Pox), most words were lost, the child’s behaviour deteriorated, often pounding on the floor. After further shots there was no more speech; he started banging his head on the floor and was diagnosed with autism.
  2. Testimonial from Doctor Paul Thomas: he saw in his practice injuries to adults through Gardasil and Hep B vaccinations

Are vaccines safe and effective?

This is what we are told.

“effective” means to achieve the intended goal. The intended goal here is to create an antibody. Yes, vaccines do create an antibody, but they may not protect. You can have a high antibody level but still get the illness., e.g. tetanus – you may have the shot but if you don’t clean the wound you can still get tetanus.

Women who go to hospital to give birth sign a form for “routine care”. Signing this form means you are signing for the right for you baby to be vaccinated. The hospital does not have to ask your permission.

If vaccines are “safe and effective” then people wouldn’t have to worry about the unvaccinated.

Medical intervention must be a choice.

Polio (Poliomyelitis)

In the 1940s and 50s there was a low incidence disease.

95% of people with polio have no symptoms. Only 1% suffer the symptoms.

The first vaccines contained live viruses, and caused more Polio than it prevented.

The oral Polio vaccine had a number of issues. Because of the live viruses some children contracted Polio. This was halted but the oral vaccine is still used in some 3rd world countries.

Episode 3: MMR and DTaP

MMR = Measles, Mumps, Rubella (German Measles)

DTaP = Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

In 1971 the first MMR vaccine became available. It contains live viruses of the 3 diseases. It was developed by Maurice Hilleman.

Ingredients: vitamins, amino acids, foetal tissue, sucrose, glutamate

There have been many outbreaks of measles, mumps and Pertussis in vaccinated populations.

When people see this, they question “Why should I have my child vaccinated?”

In 2010 Merck was sued for selling a vaccine that caused Mumps.

Some vaccines work, but at what price?

We have mostly eradicated the measles live virus. But looking at the graph of the incidence of these diseases over time, it shows that the disease took its course and the vaccine was introduced when the incidence of the disease was at the bottom of the curve. i.e. the vaccines were introduced at the end of the epidemic, so we can’t say definitely that the vaccine eradicated the disease.

A doctor explains: Measles is not a deadly disease. This reason is used to create fear. In areas where there is poor sanitation any virus can be deadly.

Immediately before the MMR vaccine was introduced there were only 1 – 2 deaths per year from measles in the US. So, are the side effects of the vaccine worth it?

What are the advantages of not being vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella, and contracting these diseases naturally? People who have contracted these diseases have a primed immune system which has been shown to protect against cancer, heart disease and eczema.

It’s important that our immune system is allowed to develop and grow, and be challenged by viruses and germs. The germs help educate our immune system on what and how to fight. This research is 15 years old.

No person ever experiences 2 diseases at the same time. MMR has 3 diseases in one shot. Prevnar (Pneumococcal) has 13 bacteria in one shot.

In studies of people contracting measles and mumps diseases back-to-back, there is a greater incidence of inflammatory bowel disease as a consequence. With the MMT vaccines offering 3 diseases in one, could there be the same outcome?

In the 1990s Wakefield found gut problems in autistic children who had been given the MMR vaccine. Wakefield suggested that is would be safer to spread out the MMR over time. He suggested separate vaccines for the 3 viruses. He said that the concentrated schedule on very young children was not proven to be safe. For this he had his license taken away.

In 2005 the head researcher for a study, William Thompson, became a whistle blower when he saw that data was skewed and rigged to cover up the findings of the study – the link between vaccines and autism. The study on Afro-American boys actually showed a 300% increase on rates of autism.

If MMR vaccine does not contain mercury or aluminium, what is the main problem? Glutamate and live viruses.

A Swiss study found that there is no medical foundation for combining the 3 vaccines in one shot. 300 medical scientists from Europe signed a petition to have the vaccine split up into individual shots. Single vaccines were available after that, but they are no longer.

Doctor Paul Thomas is interviewed on his book: “The Vaccine Friendly Plan” 2018

He recommends to wait until the child is 3 yrs or older to vaccinate. In his practice, following this schedule, he has seen no autism in 1000 cases, (except for one who had a family history of autism). He would suggest not to vaccinate if the child has a family history.

The Measles vaccine causes measles in the population.

In 2014, at Disneyland there was a measles outbreak. In California there is compulsory vaccination of all children. This can cause “shedding” which is when someone catches measles when in contact with someone who has had the vaccine.

What are some MMR adverse reactions?

  • Neurological
  • Sensory
  • Immune
  • Bowel


Rubella is not a serious disease. It would be better if children were allowed to catch Rubella. Girls who catch the disease will be immune when they are pregnant in later years. (Rubella can cause blindness/deafness in babies when a pregnant mother comes down with Rubella). 

Vaccinating boys makes no sense. It’s a marketing strategy.

Studies on MMR vaccine and autism

In 2004, a study on any link between autism and MMR vaccine given to Afro-American boys under 3 yrs, showed that the autism rate in this group was much higher than autism in children over 3 yrs. Thompson, who made this discovery was ordered to throw away his records, (but he kept an electronic copy.) When asked to speak at a meeting on the findings, he was conscious stricken and warned that he would be presenting the actual results of the research. He was replaced and not able to speak at the meeting. The replacement presented something fraudulent.

In 2004, in a pediatrician’s journal an article stated, “There is no link between MMR vaccine and autism, and we shouldn’t study this any further.”

The results of this study should have made national news around the world, but it did not, because it was owned by the pharmaceutical companies.

Studies by Wakefield also showed a link. He published an article in the Lancet medical magazine. This was later retracted and it was stated that Wakefield had committed research fraud.  But Wakefield’s research has been reproduced independently. There was no fraud.

Experimental vaccines

The original measles vaccine killed many African children.

As early as 1991 it was known that there was a problem with thimerosal, but Merck did nothing. Why? The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) Nov 1986 excluded Big Pharma from prosecution for vaccine injury.

There is no law in vaccine development to conduct double blinded studies.

“The science is settled”

This statement from Big Pharma, as a reason for not conducting any more studies on the link between MMR vaccine and autism, is unscientific.

Science is never settled.

Every time you add a new vaccine the science is unknown.

The more vaccines you add, the more complicated it becomes due to inter-reactions of the ingredients.

Our children deserve honesty and truth.

It’s not about wanting the return of the disease. It’s about finding a safe way to deliver protection from the disease. The vaccine schedule for children is far too aggressive – too many too soon.

Link between autism and inflammatory bowel disease:

Many children who have autism also have inflammatory bowel disease. A research paper showed the association.

Testimonial from a mother: Polly Tommey (British)

She didn’t question vaccines. She explained her experience with her 13-month-old boy, In the morning he was given the vaccine. In the evening he had a horrific seizure. The doctor said it was a common reaction, and he would sleep it off, that he would be OK. The boy is now 20 years old, has autism and needs care; he is prone to aggression.

By 2025 it is predicted that at the present rate of increase children will have a 1 in 2 chance of autism.

Testimonial from a child:

She explained that after the vaccination she experienced muscle weakness. Now she can’t walk far or play with other children. She is in a wheelchair.

Testimonial from Erin Elizabeth who was injured as a child by a vaccine. Within hours she had a seizure, temperature of !04 Fahrenheit which lasted a week, and then encephalitis. She vomited for a week, but the symptoms through a miracle suddenly stopped.

Testimonial from Barbara Loe Fisher

After receiving the DTaP vaccine she had a reaction from which she could have died. She regressed physically and mentally and was emotionally fragile. She couldn’t concentrate, became angry at the slightest cause, had diarrhea and respiratory problems.

Parents are not told of the possibility.

Barbara wrote a book called “A shot in the dark”.

In the 1980s there were many law suits against vaccine injury which made the cost of vaccines go up overnight to cover costs.

In 1978 – 79 eleven US babies died in a week after DPT shot, all from a single batch. Instead of acting responsibly and withdrawing the batch, it was sent to vaccinate children overseas.

After this a safer form of DPT was developed by Japan when they noticed some deaths with DPT, (called DTaP) which includes a cellular Pertussis and not the whole bacteria.

Vaccine companies knew but did not change because it cost half a cent more per dose. In 1986 after a case of permanent neurological damage they finally changed.

DTaP is not very effective now due to the evolution of new strains. 80% of people who contract Pertussis (Whooping cough) now are fully vaccinated. But we are told that it is the unvaccinated children causing Pertussis in the community. As with measles, the vaccinated people in the community are the silent carriers of Pertussis.

The DTaP vaccine is recommended for pregnant women, despite the high aluminium content.

Yes, there are deaths, at the rate of about 5 – 10 in the US, (about 1 in a million). Is the risk of the vaccine worth it?

Episode 4: Flu vaccine, vaccine schedule for children and Vitamin K for newborns

There are 2 Flu viruses: A and B.

We are told that in the US 36,000 die from Flu each year.

This is a lie, and a scare campaign to make people want to run out for their Flu vaccs. More correctly, about 750 – 2000 die per year.

How are the statistics skewed? Any death from pneumonia is placed in the category of Flu. However, there are multiple viruses that can lead to pneumonia. The Flu shot has no effect on these other viruses. The Flu shot can only protect from that virus in that year. If the virus mutates, the Flu vaccs is ineffective. The down side is that it paralyzes the immune system from memorizing antibodies by itself. There are 4 to 5 times non-influenza viruses (colds etc.) in the vaccinated.

Research by the Cochrane Foundation, who conduct independent research that is not industry based, show that there is little benefit.

For children it is shown to be no more effective than the placebo.

For people aged 65+ it is not effective.

Big Pharma has no controlled trials.

Thimerosal (40 – 50% Mercury) is present in the Flu vaccine. It is prescribed to children and pregnant women.

Potential damage from mercury: GI issues, auto-immune disorders, psychiatric disorders, autism

Testimonial from a doctor: On three occasions he saw kidney function in patients shut down after the Flu vaccine.

To have the Flu shot one year, people will be more susceptible to Flu the following year. Over-vaccinating harms the immune system’s ability to fight off other viruses. In some years the Flu shot doesn’t work at all. The virus is constantly mutating. There is little chance that you are getting vaccinated against the strain that is currently circulating.

75% of the vaccinated can still get the Flu.

Why do some people feel as if they have the Flu after getting the vaccination? This is the body’s response to reject the toxins in the vaccine.

List of ingredients of the Flu vaccine: Thimerosal, 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), Polysorbate 80, Formaldehyde, aluminium, human albumin (from foetuses)

Testimonial of a pediatrician about the vaccine schedule for children

Doctors are punished financially if they do not persuade patients to comply with the vaccine schedule. Doctors need 63% of their patients to comply with the “combo 10” for their children by the second birthday in order to receive a financial reward per child.

In Japan, vaccines are delayed and the schedule spread out. Vaccines are not given to children under 2.

A child is not born with a perfect immune system. It is developing until the age of 2. Why interfere with the development?

In Australia there is no choice:

“No jab no pay” (child benefits)

“No jab no play” (no entry to kindergarten or school)

No exceptions on non-medical grounds are allowed.

Vitamin K vaccine for newborns

Given for blood clotting. Contains castor oil and egg. Castor oil reacts with nuts. Why are there so many nut allergies? Also contains aluminium and antifreeze.

A better alternative if for the mother to include plenty of green leafy vegetables in their diet.

Compare 1st world countries:

USA has the highest infant mortality.

Iceland and Norway have the fewest. This was published in a peer reviewed journal. Iceland and Norway have non-mandatory vaccines.

When you hear, “There is no link between vaccines and autism”, this is a lie. There are numerous independent studies that show otherwise.

The Nuremburg trials (following WW2 Germany) outlawed experimental, forced medical procedures forever. What is the vaccine industry guilty of? Fraud, cover-up and criminal enterprise.

Episode 5: HIV and Hep B vaccines; SIDS and Shaken Baby Syndrome

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is a virus that causes genital warts. Some strains of HPV are believed to contribute to cervical cancer in women. There are over 100 strains and only 2 or 3 have been associated with cancer. In most girls it goes away after 2 years if contracted.

The vaccine, Gardasil, contains a high dose of aluminium to stimulate an immune response. It is recommended for girls and boys. It has a higher dose of aluminium than any other vaccine.

The problem is, when you target a handful of strains, new strains will come in and take the place of the ones you have eliminated, and these strains are more virulent.

One study showed that while 4 strains decreased, other strains increased.

The Gardasil, genetically engineered vaccine, was trials on 1100 girls for 2 years. This is not enough to prove safety.

The distribution of the vaccine was fast tracked.

In the placebo trial, (containing aluminium without the other ingredients), 200 out of 2000 girls got sick.

A Canadian study showed that 10% have side effects and 3% need hospitalization; 9.9% develop “POTS” syndrome (Post Traumatic Syndrome)

Also, there have been 250 deaths, physical disabilities confining girls to wheelchairs, immune dysfunction, cognitive and neurological dysfunction.

It is said that the HPV vaccine contains no HPV DNA (live virus) but a scientist who conducted an independent test reported that he found it in all that he tested.

A post mortem on a girl from NZ who died showed HPV DNA. When combined with aluminium this can be deadly. The conclusion was that the vaccine killed the girl.

A mother from the US reports that her teenage boy had no side effects on the first dose. But after the second dose he died of a heart attack. There was no other plausible cause for the death.

The rate of damage is greater than the rate of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is not a communicative disease. There are better ways of dealing with it such as pap smear testing and removal of warts if they are found. This should be adequate.

Testimonial from a 20-year old girl who contracted cervical cancer after the Gardasil vaccine.

After being given the vaccine as a teenager, she became very sick. Could not get well. Constant tonsillitis. Neck extremely swollen; chronic fatigue. Then she developed cervical cancer. She had surgery to have both tonsils and cervix removed. She demanded that she be given her organs. She had them tested and the exact 3 strains of HPV in the vaccine were found in her organs. She recovered, but cannot have children. What does this testimonial tell us about the potential of Gardasil to cause the problematic genital warts that it is supposed to prevent?

Hep B vaccination – given to babies on day 1!

If the parents are Hep B negative, why give the baby the vaccine?

In 1999 after a statement calculating mercury content, the thimerosal was taken out and replaced with aluminium. But the vaccine is still problematic.

Hep B, the disease, is not a problem in 1st world countries, except in the case of drug users and people with multiple sexual partners.

Since 1991 every newborn is routinely given the Hep B shot. It moved from being given to teenagers to babies. The only way a baby can catch Hep B is from the mother, yet 99.9% of mothers are not Hep B positive. Babies are given a huge dose of aluminium on day 1, in a vaccine they don’t need.

The theory is, to develop a Hep B immune population. 25 mcg is the “safe” dose. The vaccine contains 150 mcg.

Many doctors would not give their own children the Hep B vaccine.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) Nov 1986

This was passed under Ronald Reagan “to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers”. Before this vaccine damage compensation was problematic to the vaccine manufacturers. In 1986 there were 10 childhood vaccines given, but after the passing of the Act the number of vaccines given escalated to 69, because they were no longer liable and could push as many vaccines as they wanted on to children. From their point of view, it no longer mattered whether children were injured or not because they couldn’t be sued.

Further financial exploitation comes in the form of pharmaceutical drugs. The vaccine companies are winning when it comes to the high number of cases of autism. Autistic children “need” drugs and parents “need” drugs too to cope with their autistic child.

The testing of drugs is not easy because you first have to find a willing test group of people who are drug-free, and that is becoming more and more difficult to find.

In the US more infants die on day 1 after birth, than any other industrialized country. The Hep B vaccine was tested for 4 days before being put on the market.

Independent studies on SIDS

The more vaccines given simultaneously, the more dangerous they are.

SIDS – sudden infant death syndrome (“syndrome” means “we don’t know”)

The peak age is 2 – 4 months.

A 2011 study found that there were 300 unexplained deaths. There was a 16-fold increase in deaths after a 4-strain vaccine was developed.

Shaken baby syndrome

Some parents have been sent to prison for “shaking their baby”. This is a cover up for vaccine injury.

Episode 6: Chicken pox and retroviruses

True science is founded on the Scientific method. What are the steps?

  • Create a question
  • Go through steps to evaluate data
  • Eliminate what is not right?
  • Ask questions

We have a misplaced faith in an underserving system.

The heretics get burnt.

Those who questions are dismissed.

The “Whistle Blower Protection Act” has resulted in false data being used against whistle blowers. Their crime is “research misconduct”.

Even if a scientist is later vindicated, recovering their career is difficult.

Science within federal organizations is geared towards supporting industry practices that are economically important to them. Any other kind of research is suppressed and unpublished.

In the case of vaccine safety there is manipulation of data to cover up adverse effects. This is “ideology” not science.

Doctor Paul’s testimonial:

He said that he ‘woke up’ when they started pushing Hep V vaccines on newborns. Babies do not contract Hep B unless the mother is Hep B positive. It may be useful in later life for those who engage in intravenous illicit drug use, but a study in 20-year-olds who had been given the Hep B vaccination at birth, showed that by age 20 there was only 20% immunity.

Big Pharma – the driver is money.

The TGA is a marketing branch of Big Pharma.

The CDC (Centre for Disease Control) and FDA hold the patents.

Conflict of interest

In the past big health threats were fought: lead, asbestos and tobacco.

Now it’s vaccines. You can’t speak about it or you’ll be shut down.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) admits that aluminium is a toxin but they give a “safe” limit.

Chicken pox (Varicella)

Those who have the vaccine in childhood, (given at age 1), will be more susceptible to shingles when over 40.

The vaccine works well in reducing the incidence of chicken pox, (a relatively mild illness in children), but at what cost?

Those who have naturally immunity through contracting the disease in childhood have more immunity against shingles as an adult. Children are not getting chicken pox now but there is a greater incidence of shingles in people over 40. It is a new epidemic in the elderly and can be quite serious.

In the past, the number of children contracting chicken pox boosted the immunity of the general population.

Chicken pox vaccinations

The substrate, (the medium for developing the vaccine, contains living tissue as a culture – living tissue of monkey, chicken or dog, and human foetal tissue.

(The chicken pox vaccine is not the only vaccine that contains cells of aborted foetuses – most do.) This goes against the beliefs of many


A rotavirus can cause vomiting, diarrhea, fever, fatigue and dehydration.

In 1st world countries it can be treated in hospital on an IV drip.

The vaccine has serious side effects. It is given to children under 9 months.

It creates more problems than it solves.

Retroviruses are now being found in the rotavirus vaccine. (HIV is an example of a retrovirus)

Mouse related viruses are now found in humans. How and why? Through vaccines – mice cells used in vaccine trials contaminate the vaccine.

Episode 7: natural immunization; freedom of choice


There are homeopathic alternatives to vaccines. These are called ‘nosodes’.

A study showing the effectiveness of nosodes was conducted in Cuba on 2.5. million people.

In India it is government approved.

Essential oils

These can be used as preventatives and remedies. They can be used in 3 ways: aroma therapy, topically and for some oils, can be ingested, (e.g. cinnamon, cloves)

Building immunity:

Sugar has a detrimental effect on our cells that are designed to fight infections. So to build immunity, avoid sugar.

Vitamin A protects children from complications associated with measles. This was shown in a study on African children.

Having measles protects you from cancer and heart disease in later life, (but not the measles vaccine.)

High doses of Vit C for whooping cough energizes the immune system and decreases inflammation

Vit D is antibacterial and works well with probiotics for gut health.

Minerals and phytonutrients (chemicals produced by plants) build immunity.

Feed children real food. Breast feed and make sure they have a variety of fresh vegetables.

Let them be exposed to dirt so that their immune system can learn to recognize unfriendly bacteria and build antibodies.

Minimize dosing with paracetamol (chemical pain relief) and antibiotics, to avoid toxins.

To avoid autism:

Pregnant mothers should take plenty of folate (green leafy vegetables). In a study in Norway in 2013:

autism rate was 1 in 1000 for mothers who took folate and 1 in 100 for mother who did not.

(1 in 100 is still low compared to the US which is 1 in 50. This may be explained by Norway having higher breast-feeding rate and no Hep B vaccinations for babies.)

To assist with autism symptoms:

  • Ketogenic diet (good fats, good protein, plenty of vegetables, low carbs, especially sugar (better no sugar)
  • Gluten free
  • Dairy free

“The Vaccine Friendly Plan” by Dr Paul Thomas and Jennifer Margulis

This book explains a gentler and less toxic vaccination schedule for children. Dr Thomas recommends:

What not to do:

  • No Hep B vaccs for babies
  • Wait on the polio vaccs (The disease is not around now – there has been none since 1979)
  • No rotavirus vaccine

But to DO:

  • DTaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis)
  • Prevnar (Pneumococcal) at 3 months
  • MMR, but wait until age 3, unless there is a family history of autism, in which case do not

Freedom of choice; Goal of adult vaccinations

A move towards compulsory adult vaccination was begun in 2010 by the Bill Gates Foundation who put up $10 million towards this.

The goal is to take away the right to refuse to be vaccinated.

To have a say on what goes into our bodies is a most fundamental human right.

Forced vaccinations are contrary to the founding principles of the United States.

Episode 8: W.H.O. and dismantling of free speech

People are labelled as “anti-vaxxers” is they even raise a question.

The WHO (World Health Authority) is one of the top 10 threats to public health.

Their goal is to create fear of disease, so that people will willingly accept vaccines.

But people are waking up and speaking up.

Once you know what you know, you can’t unknow it.

Robert F Kennedy says, “the only way they can deal with us is by shutting us up.”

Big Pharma’s tentacles extend to the internet. Google and Facebook have been requested to remove any “anti-vax” notices and replace them with “medical accurate” information.

Even high-quality peer reviewed research by medical practitioners has been taken down. Any posts that question vaccine safety are removed/censored.

In the case of Nazi Germany, why didn’t people see it coming and leave the country while they could?

We need to be alert and stand up for human rights, parental rights.

Propaganda techniques

  • Name calling
  • Appealing to authorities, e.g. WHO, to tell people that vaccines are “safe and effective”.
  • The media has been told “safe and effective”

BUT behind closed doors …

At the 2019 vaccine safety summit, what Big Pharma tell each other is very different to what they tell the public.

The following words were recorded by an insider: “There are no safety monitoring systems in many countries.” (Spoken by the WHO no. 1 pediatrician and scientist. Also…

“We are not able to give clear cut answers concerning the deaths following vaccinations.”

The WHO and Big Pharma operate by telling multiple lies.

Example of a lie: “2,300 died of flu in one year in the US.” (But the numbers are actually closer to 80,000). Included in the statistics are any deaths from pneumonia causes by ANY kind of virus or bacteria – not necessarily Flu. The reason for the exaggeration is to terrify people into getting the Flu vaccine.

Another lie – the severity of measles. A photo-shopped baby is pictures with measles dots.

Escalating problems in children

Peanut allergies:

Children born before 1989 had a 12.8% chance of having a peanut allergy.

Children born after 1989 have a 54% chance of having a peanut allergy.

The incidence of ADD, anaphylaxis and eczema in children exploded after 1989.

There are 273 new vaccines in the pipeline.

The vaccine industry is the fastest growing factor of Big Pharma. Why? They can no longer be sued for damages.

There are no double blinded placebo studies and no safety studies.

Maternal vaccination

Pregnant mothers are a new target for vaccine makers.

The FDA admitted that there are NO clinical trials on pregnant women.

Testimonial from a mother:

My son suffered vaccine injury from Gardasil. He became paralyzed and lost the ability to speak. He died several weeks before his 18th birthday. He took his life so as not to be a burden to his family.

Compulsory vaccinations

If vaccinations become compulsory, the income of Big Pharma will go from $millions to $billions overnight.

In California: it is already compulsory for all public and private school attendance. There has been a dramatic reduction of exemptions, even for children at risk. This has taken away the right of the child’s doctor to decide whether an at-risk child should have a vaccination.

We have crossed a boundary. Nazi Germany should have taught us a lesson, (The Nuremberg trials).

People are being forced into a medical procedure with known risk. Parents have to pick up the pieces. The least informed bear the responsibility.

California and New York have passed a bill to say there are no religious exemptions. Religious exemptions include the right to reject the vaccination on the grounds that vaccines contain human foetal tissue. In New Jersey January 2020 there was a big protest against the use of foetal tissue in vaccines. The senator’s statement was as follows:

“In the 1950s and 60s foetal tissue was used to make vaccines. Now it is not used.”

Either this senator was lying or completely uninformed.

Interview with a vaccine maker:

The interviewer had a copy of the vaccine maker’s report.

Interviewer: “Have you ever used foetal tissue in your trials?”

Vaccine maker: “About 2”

Interviewer: “Your report shows that you have used 76, and that the tissue comes from foetuses of 3 months or older. The tissue is cut up and cultured. Examples of types of tissues used are pituitary gland, lung, skin, kidney, spleen, heart and tongue. Does it worry you that the catholic church has made a statement giving religious objections?”

Vaccine maker: “Yes the Catholic church believe I will burn in hell”.

Interviewer: “Are you an atheist?”

Vaccine maker: “Yes.”

We have to start talking

With compulsory vaccination, as a society we will lose natural therapists. They will not be allowed to operate. The goal to vaccinate every human in the world, can be found on the Health and Human Services website.

In California and New York there are no exemptions. But also, if a parent brings a child into a clinic with e.g. a broken arm, they will be asked for the child’s vaccination certificate. If the child has not been vaccinated, they will be vaccinated then and there.

Our children are not the property of the government. Robert F Kennedy runs an organization called “Children’s Health Defense” to fight against this.

What will happen in the future if you refuse to be vaccinated, or refuse to have your children vaccinated? Will you be refused a passport? Have your driver’s license taken away? Have your children taken away? Be criminally prosecuted?

Episode 9: WHO’s telling the truth? Covoid-19

Google now has a partnership with Merck and Glaxo, (2 of the 4 Big Pharma).

They are shutting down all that they see as ‘misinformation’ on vaccines on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

More footage from a WHO Vaccine Safety Summit, behind closed doors:

Heidi Larson: “We need a lot more research into safety science.”

“When we add an adjuvant, it is because it is essential, BUT it adds complications.”

“Adjuvants multiply the incidence of adverse reactions.”

 “You are correct. The primary concern is systemic adverse effects rather than local adverse effects.” (meaning that the short-term adverse effects, like swelling at the site of the injection, are not the problem – it’s the long-term effect)

“We need to design some long-term studies.”

“in clinical trials on vaccines small numbers of participants are used, -too small.  If one person gets an adverse reaction, we have to manipulate the results.”

Question from a Nigerian doctor: “Is there a possibility of adverse cross-reactions when using multiple vaccines in combination?”

Answer: “We have no data to make a recommendation one way or the other. As a general approach, they can be given in different limbs.”

Question: “Are there multiple adjuvanted vaccines used in Europe?

Answer: “No.”

“Professionals are starting to question, giving us a very wobbly health care front line.”

Hep B vaccine up for voting: all voted yes, (even though there were a significant number of heart attacks following the vaccine in the first trial group.)


Robert F Kennedy says that the 20 top selling pharmaceutical drugs are those listed to treat vaccine side effects. He says we are trading a few childhood diseases for a series of chronic lifetime illnesses. E.g. diabetes, ADD, autism, anaphylaxis, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

The vaccine issue should be an up-front issue for politicians and their response should determine who we vote for. We need to wake up the younger generation.

In our early history, Jefferson made the rule that if you don’t worship at the Church of England then you don’t go to school. Today, Big Pharma are the church and there is no school for those who don’t submit.

Covoid 19

Human trials are being done without proper animal studies. This could result in unacceptable risks.

Much misinformation by mainstream media.

Big Pharma, WHO and Gates want governments to mandate a Corona vaccine for all. Gates says that a digital certificate is need as proof of who has had the vaccine and who has recovered.

This is a move towards only allowing vaccinated people to move and function in society. Dr. Anthony Fauci is setting the stage for a mandatory Corona vaccination.

The virus may eventually disappear but the assault on civil liberties may not.

Gates says, “You don’t want to completely block off people from moving around globally. We need a certificate of proof, a global ID, a digital ID program. In order to be moving around you will need the vaccination.”

Who is Gates? He has no medical training and no qualifications.

Anthony Fauci is on the leadership council of the Gates Foundation. Why is he against the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine? If a drug is found to relieve symptoms of Corona virus and make it no worse than a cold or flu, then people will be less inclined to want to get the vaccination.

In 2015 the Obama administration gave $3.9 million to the Wohan institute for research. Fauci has been working with the Chinese to create strains of the Corona virus in the laboratory so that they can find a treatment should there be an outbreak of something similar. This is a recognized avenue of research. It was built by the French and supposed to be bio secure.

But like Jurassic park, there can be big problems if something escapes.

In 2017, at Georgetown university, Fauci said, “There is no question that there will be contagious diseases,” and “There will be a surprise outbreak.”

Can we trust Gates and Fauci with the Corona vaccination?

Robert Kennedy advised Trump to look not the safety of vaccines, but Gates advised Trump not to do it – “No, don’t do that. That would be a bad thing.”

Del Bigtree, one of the participants on this panel, uses Highwire to post/publish information that cannot be pulled down by Google.

HighWire is a US company that provides digital content development and hosting services to ~140 influential societies, university presses and independent publishers that produce journals, books, and other scholarly publications. It was founded by Stanford University Libraries in 1995.[2] HighWire also offers BenchPress,[3] a customizable peer-review manuscript submission and tracking system, used by ~65 publishers. (Wikipedia)

He says that people die from Covoid19 because they are not given the right treatment. It is not just a respiratory illness but a blood related disease. Putting people on ventilators in not the answer. They need intravenous Vit C and zinc. Also, hydroxychloroquine has had great results. He says we need more treatments in the here and now. We can’t just wait 18 months for a vaccine. Otherwise there will be no economy, and it will be less likely that we will ever get back to the world as we know it.

The Flu shot causes Covoid19 to increase. It causes “shedding”. There are Corona viruses in the latest Flu vaccine. People are more likely to contract Covoid19 if they have had the Flu shot. Studies in cat and mice models have shown that having the Flu shot, these animals tested positive to Corona.

The people creating this documentary have all been accused of being conspiracy theorist because they say: The WHO wants to vaccinate everyone; they want to track you through your phones, they want to give you a digital ID.

Newsflash: It is no longer a theory. It is a reality. It is a conspiracy of Gates, Fauci, WHO and others. If enough people realize that this twisted group are trying to take over, then we can stand together and stop this.

Many people who had no opinion on vaccines before will become interested in bodily autonomy. More people in the US are now questioning vaccines.

How many people died in the early vaccine trials in history? MANY! but this has been covered up.

Phase 1 trials are dangerous.

With Corona, they are going through the most dangerous part of vaccine making – Phase 1.

The speed of getting a vaccine out there makes it even more dangerous. Vaccines need to be tested on small groups for years before being released on the population.


If a contrary view is not allowed to be discussed there is a problem. There are warning bells! You shouldn’t stop someone from discussing something you don’t agree with.


Dr. Buttar, a member of the panel says, “I’m not anti-vaccine. I’m anti-stupidity.”

The fact that vaccines are designed to create immunity is a great concept, but it defies logic to introduce immunosuppressants into the body. He says, “I would be for vaccines if they were safe and effective, but none have been found so far. If there was a killer disease threat, and a safe vaccine, I would take it. But even if a safe vaccine could be found it should never be mandatory.

Fighting to get pesticides out of food doesn’t make you anti-food. Fighting to get toxic and harmful substances out of vaccines doesn’t make you anti-vaccine.

In our culture we have forgotten that there are different ways to manage our health. We should have the right to choose.