Boosting the Immune System Through Healthy living Principles

With Corona-virus looming all around us, the best we can do for ourselves is to follow these simple 8 principles for healthy living. This is a time to look after yourself by doing more than wearing gloves and a face mask. Build your immune system, detoxify and build up your body’s protective defense mechanisms, so that you will be able to throw off any virus that comes your way.

An easy way to remember these 8 principles is to remember the acronym “NEW START”, (one letter for each principle).

With children at home, this is also the perfect time to educate our children on the principles of healthy living. A New Start education package is available for primary and secondary school students.

  • Nutrients – The best nutrients are essential for building a strong immune system. Include plenty of vegetables, especially green, orange and red, and two pieces of fruit each day. Include raw salad vegetables with your meal twice a day. Cut out added sugar, (in foods, drinks and especially processed/junk foods), because added sugar works against the positive effects of vitamins and minerals. Natural sugar in fruit is beneficial, although don’t overdo the fruit! Two pieces a day is enough.
  • Exercise – Make a habit of undertaking at least half an hour every day. Include both weight-bearing and exercise for the cardiovascular system.
  • Water – Drink 6 glasses a day, (not fruit juice or fizzy drink; not sugary drinks or ‘sugar-free’ drinks which are loaded with aspartame; not tea and coffee with sugar). Herbal tea is a good alternative to water if you feel like a hot drink.
  • Sunlight – This is essential for vitamin D, which builds strong bones, and is also an immune boosting vitamin. If you can’t get enough sunlight, take a supplement.
  • Toxin-free – Avoid artificial food additives such as artificial sweeteners and preservatives. If you eat foods that are as close to nature as possible, and avoid processed foods, you will be avoiding most toxins in foods. Eat organic foods where possible to avoid pesticides. Minimize the effects of harmful chemicals in body products by choosing brands that seek to use non-toxic ingredients, e.g. SLS-free products.
  • Air – Get fresh air every day by exercising out of doors.
  • Rest – Don’t stay up late. Practice the habit of ‘early to bed, early to rise’. The body clock is designed to follow the natural rhythm of being awake in daylight and asleep in hours of darkness.
  • Think happy thoughts and trust in God. It is scientifically proven that those who have a faith enjoy better health than those who do not; and laughter is a good medicine. Laughter activates endorphins in the body, improving our health.