
We are constantly bombarded with cellular-damaging substances, called free-radicals, generated by our environment, from air, water, pollutants and other substances. Sunlight, radiation, drugs, pesticides, chemicals, fried foods, alcohol and tobacco smoke are just a few more examples of free-radical generating substances. Free radicals are also produced as the natural byproducts of oxygen metabolism, or simply, breathing. Oxygen free radicals serve a purpose in the body by burning bacteria and waste. 1 
We can therefore say that free radicals are not all bad. They do have a purpose. However, when out of control they become toxic. 

How do free-radicals get out of control? 
Years ago, our foods contained enough vitamins and minerals to keep free-radicals under control. The substances responsible for doing this task are called anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are present in fruits and vegetables that have been grown in nutrient-rich soils, vine-ripened and eaten fresh from the garden. However today, our soils are depleted of minerals, and so are our foods. Fruit is picked early and artificially ripened. It is placed in storage, transported and marketed, and finally reaches the consumer devoid of antioxidants. Vegetables are no better. A carrot is no longer a carrot! 
Additionally, our bodies have far more free-radicals to deal with because of the stresses of 21st century living. All up, free-radical damage affects us all. 

What are the visible signs of free-radical damage? 
Free-radical damage contributes heavily to the two biggest killers – heart disease and cancer. 
The Lancet medical journal in 1996 reported a Cambridge University study showing antioxidants reduce the rate of death from heart attack by 77%. In the USA, “Cancer Prevention Study 2” (CPS2) involved 1 million Americans taking “combination antioxidants” over 7 years, showed a 20% reduction in all causes of mortality. Extensive scientific studies and a growing number of testimonials prove these antioxidant formulas can dramatically improve health, retard ageing, prevent and often reverse disease processes such as cancer. 2 

Traditional antioxidants, like Vitamins A (Beta-Carotene), C and E are well known for their positive effects on the body. Their limit is that they only remain effective in the body for up to three hours. Other more powerful antioxidants, called ‘oligomeric proanthocyandins’, commonly referred to as OPCs, are effective in the body for up to three days. The best sources are from Grape Seed and White Pine Bark (pinus strobus). OPCs have been found to be 50 times more potent than Vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C. 3 
OPCs also have shown to act as an anti-inflammatory, an antihistamine, strengthen blood vessels and act against bleeding gums. They act as “super-smart missiles” which, when consumed, go into your body and target any damaged cells, restoring them. 4 
Another extremely powerful category of antioxidants are Curcuminoids, found in a certain type of Turmeric. Curcuminoids have been shown to have amazing anti-mutagenic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They offer protection from the influence of environmental toxins, and appear to have the ability to combat cancer-causing agents in the system. They are 60 times more powerful than Vitamin C and 150 times more powerful than Vitamin E. 5 

There are over 70 different conditions where the use of antioxidants have significantly helped people regain and maintain optimal health. Some of these are: 
ADD/ADHD, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, eye problems, gastro-intestinal problems, joint pain, lupus and other auto-immune diseases, inflammation and skin conditions. 6 

1. Tonita d’Raye, The Great Grape and Fine Pine, p. 8
2. Be Informed, The Global Health Alert
3. Ibid
4. Mark Virkler Go Natural, p 125
5. The Global Health Alert
6. Ibid

Anti-Cancer Diet

Points to consider

Fruits and vegetables

  • Essential for our daily intake of vitamins and minerals. In their raw form, plant chemicals present in fruit and vegetables will destroy free radicals in the body.
  • Plant chemicals fight the viruses and diseases we come into contact with from day to day. They help build a healthy immune system.
  • Certain vegetables should be avoided due to starchy carbohydrate content: white potatoes and corn, (as well as potato starch and corn starch food additives)


  • Avoid all wheat, even wholegrain wheat
  • Limit starchy carbohydrates because starch turns to sugar which feeds cancer.
  • Certain gluten free grains are better, (buckwheat, millet and quinoa), but still should be consumed in small amounts because a low carbohydrate diet is essential for avoiding or beating. Starches convert to sugar which feeds cancer.
  • See Wheat, the UNhealthy wholegrain by William Davis:

Nuts and seeds

  • An important source of vitamins and minerals.
  • High in potassium, iron and phosphorous.
  • A good source of protein and ‘good’ oils.
  • Peanuts are not nuts and can cause health problems.

Fats and oils

  • Good fats are essential because they protect the cells from toxins in the body.
  • The best oils are those present in whole foods, (unprocessed).
  • The Essential Fatty Acids, omega-6 and omega-3, are best taken in the form of flax seeds, sesame seeds, avocado, olives and coconuts.
  • Fish oils are important for omega-3, but must be guaranteed mercury-free.
  • Any processed oil that is consumed should be cold-pressed.
  • An oil is not cold-pressed unless it is labelled cold-pressed.
  • Coconut oil and butter withstand high temperatures so can be used for cooking.
  • Heat extracted oils, or heated oils become carcinogenic, (toxic and possibly cancer-forming), in heat processing. This includes canola oil, general cooking oil and all margarine!
  • Oils should be stored in the dark.
  • Organic coconut oil has excellent health benefits, despite being a saturated oil
  • Organic butter is a valuable source of vitamins A,D,E and K.


  • Meat is a good source of essential protein.
  • Non-organic meat may contain chemical residue, antibiotics and hormones. The fat cells of animals provide the store house for these toxins.
  • Organic, home-cooked meats are best, and do not contain stored toxins.
  • Fish has many good properties, but due to mercury content, most is unsafe to eat. Wild Alaskan Salmon and sardines are probably the safest.
  • Processed meats like ham, bacon and sausage meats contain added chemicals and should be avoided.

Dairy products

  • Non-organic dairy products can contain toxins, stored in the fat cells of the animal. Organic dairy products are better.
  • The fat in homogenised milk has been broken down so much that it is easily absorbed. It causes weight gain and damages the arteries.  Non-homogenised milk is better.
  • Cow’s milk is mucous-forming and may a major cause of allergies.
  • Calcium found in plants can be absorbed well due to magnesium content, so provide good alternatives to cow’s milk.
  • Plant foods high in calcium are green vegetables, sesame seeds, tahini, chick peas, almonds, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds or pepitas, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, parsley, beetroot.
  • Goat milk may be more suited to humans than cow’s milk.
  • Cultured dairy products like bio-dynamic yoghurt and feta cheese can be assimilated more easily due to the presence of helpful bacteria which break down the molecules in the milk.


  • Eggs are high in nutrients. Free-range organic eggs are best.
  • Free-range eggs are less prone to viruses that battery eggs. Organic raw eggs can help to detoxify heavy metals from the body
  • Eggs are a complete protein.
  • Free-range eggs from healthy chickens do not cause heart disease, but are protective.


  • All forms of cane sugar should be avoided, whether brown, white or raw.
  • Processed cane sugar gives only a temporary energy boost, after which the energy level is lowered, and the body placed under strain in the digestive process.
  • Simple sugars occurring naturally in fruits and plants are good fuels for cells, producing energy. However even fruits should be eaten in small amounts. Too much fruit gives us a carbohydrate overload.
  • Other naturally occurring simple sugars such as honey, molasses or maple syrup can be used in small amounts.
  • Be aware of the sugar content of processed foods, e.g. tinned foods.
  • Foods labelled ‘no added sugar’ will probably contain the artificial sweetener, aspartame. This is a brain toxin.


  • All white salt should be avoided.
  • Sodium chloride, (table salt), has been refined to a state that is useful for flavour only.
  • The refining process creates toxicity.
  • Only unrefined salt should be used: Himalayan (pink) salt is best; Celtic (grey) salt. These unrefined (coloured) salts contain valuable minerals.

Acid or alkaline?

  • Sugar and starchy carbohydrates are acid forming. An overbalance of these foods in the diet will cause our bodies to be acidic. Body acidity can be tested using litmus paper on saliva or urine samples.
  • Raw vegetables are alkaline forming and create an internal alkaline environment.
  • The body should be slightly alkaline to function properly.
  • Cancer cell growth is thwarted in an alkaline environment.
  • For an anti-cancer diet, eat 75 – 80% raw fruit and vegetables at every meal.

Vitamin B17 for alternative cancer therapy

Philip Day has written an excellent book, “CANCER – Why we’re still dying to know the truth”. He outlines the exciting discovery of the use of vitamin B17 in curing cancer. Here are some extracts from his book:

“During the 1950s, after many years of research, a dedicated biochemist by the name of Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., isolated a new vitamin that he numbered B17 and called ‘laetrile’. As the years rolled by, thousands became convinced that Krebs had finally found the complete control for all cancers, a conviction that even more people share today.”

“‘Nitrilosides’ are natural foods rich in Vitamin B17. This vitamin is characterised by a large group of water-soluble, essentially non-toxic, sugary compounds found in over 800 plants, many of which are edible. one of the most common sources of B17 is found in plentiful supply within the kernels (seeds) of many non-citrus fruits, such as cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums and apples. However it is within the seed of the humble apricot that the highest concentrations of B17 can be found, up to 2 to 2.5 percent by weight in most varieties.”

Krebs’ studies showed that when a human or animal system ingests sufficient amount of laetrile (or in its natural form, hydrocynacic acid), this substance becomes selectively toxic to cancer cells.”
Krebs was aware that indigenous peoples consuming vast quantities of hydrocyanic acid were not experiencing any harmful side-effects. On the contrary, their lives were characterised by abundant good health and extreme longevity.
from Cancer – Why we’re still dying to know the truth, by Phillip Day, pp. 23-26

To find out more about this therapy, get hold of Phillip Day’s book. Available from

Philip Day lists foods containing vitamin B17. (Remember that while apricot, plum, peach and apple seeds contain higher concentrations, these other foods contain B17 as well)

  • kernels of apricots, plums, peaches, apples and nectarines
  • sheep sorrel (see recipe for sheep sorrel tea in The Healing Power of Food)
  • flaxseeds
  • tapioca
  • alfalfa sprouts
  • barley
  • blackberries
  • cashews
  • garbanzo beans (chick peas)
  • macadamia nuts
  • lentils
  • lima beans
  • millet
  • walnuts
  • yams
  • strawberries

Phillip Day’s research shows that people with cancer should consume apricot kernels, and people who do not have cancer should also consume them, in a lower dose, as a cancer preventative.

For those with cancer, Phillip Day suggests 40 per day, (depends on body weight), but build up to this amount gradually. People who are free of cancer and want to avoid it should take 8-10 per day. Don’t take more than 5 in one hour. For cancer patients particularly, it is important to consume paw paw and pineapple each day, as the natural enzymes strip the coating on the cancer cells, so that the B17 in the kernels can work. Vitamins A and E are also important for enhancing the work of the kernels.

Paul Reid, whose healing is outlined in The Healing Power of Food, built up to 30 kernels a day at the peak of his nutritional therapy and now takes a small maintenance dose. It is essential to take pancreatic enzymes or paw paw enzymes while taking apricot kernels.

Find out about seven superfoods that have recently been discovered to have excellent health benefits:




Paul Reid: Healing from Lymphoma

Paul Reid, Victoria, Australia.

Hear Paul’s story in part 3 of this 5 part youtube series:


The Healing Power of Food, written by my wife Cheryl, describes my journey from disease to health, and explains the diet and lifestyle changes undertaken in the process of healing from cancer (with no medical treatment), diagnosed Jan 1997.

I had been suffering from chronic fatigue for a number of years. I also suffered from colds and chest infections, which lingered on for months, sometimes requiring up to five courses of antibiotics to regain health. Upon examination by my doctor it was discovered my spleen was enlarged and some lymph nodes enlarged.

In December 1996, at the age of 55, I went for a C.T. scan, which showed probable lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Although suffering from a persistent cough, and in no condition to undergo surgery, I was strongly urged by the specialist to undergo diagnostic surgery as soon as possible. This was to find out the exact type of lymphoma so that appropriate treatment could be given.

My wife and I were given much confidence by the specialist, who assured us that 90% of all lymphoma cases are completely curable by chemotherapy. Because most cases of lymphoma are aggressive, and fast moving, diagnostic surgery seemed fairly urgent. This would involve removal of some lymph nodes deep down within the abdomen, by no means a simple operation as many abdominal organs would be in the way.

At the same time we were beginning to consider what alternative therapies had to offer and were reading as much information as we could get our hands on about natural therapy. We were given the name of a health retreat in Queensland, Australia run by naturopaths. The retreat offered short-term live-in sessions involving fasting, colonic cleansing and natural therapy. Despite strong opposition from the cancer specialist, I decided to cancel my diagnostic operation and instead go for 9 days of natural therapy. On returning home, there was no sign of the cough, and I felt much rejuvenated. As I continued with my strict diet, along with herbal tonics and food supplements as recommended by the health retreat, my health continued to improve. I was gaining more and more confidence in natural therapy.

Additionally, I received prayer, a powerful experience that gave me faith. This was to be a great source of encouragement later, when I experienced times of despair and depression. Each time of depression presented a battle, which I had to fight with determination, holding on to the promise of life through faith in God, rather than focusing on the prospect of terminal illness.

Later in February I had a call, out of the blue, from the cancer specialist who explained that it was imperative that l submit myself for diagnostic surgery because there was a strong chance that the lymphoma was aggressive. I finally decided to go for the surgery. I was now feeling much stronger and able to face it. The surgery involved seven days in hospital, five of those days on an intravenous drip of saline solution. This was a traumatic experience but I made a good recovery. I returned immediately to the strict diet and supplements.

Two weeks after the surgery we were called to discuss the results. Much to everyone’s surprise, I was not in the 90% of ‘curable’ lymphoma cases. I had a rare type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, (follicular small cleaved cell type involving mesenteric lymph nodes), for which there was no medical cure. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were ineffective on this type of cancer, (as at January 1997). The cancer was said to be fairly slow growing, which meant I had approximately four to seven years to live. Fortunately there was no evidence of secondary cancer.

Instead of being shocked by the news, my wife and I were relieved. By this time we had done enough research on natural therapy to know that chemotherapy and radiotherapy were not the only way. In fact we were relieved to be free from making the decision on which way to go. Also because my cancer was slow growing, it meant that there was time for natural therapy to work. So for me, obedience to a strict, healthy diet, making use of the healing properties in God’s creation was the only effective way to go.

We continued to believe that God would heal by both natural and supernatural means. Natural therapy meant obedience to a strict healthy diet, taking of the best nutritional supplements we could find. Making use of all the healing properties in God’s creation played as much importance as our overall belief that God would heal.

The first year proved to be the most difficult. Keeping hope and faith alive was not always easy, but vital. We discovered that the way we spoke about the illness was important. It was often necessary to explain to people why we were eating the way we were, or why I didn’t have enough energy to do things on certain days. Instead of saying, “I’ve got cancer”, I would say, “I’m recovering from cancer.”

One year after diagnosis, my chronic fatigue had lessened; the occasional cold was thrown off within a week without resorting to antibiotics. My health had improved dramatically.

Four years after diagnosis we read about the value of taking apricot kernels for healing and prevention of cancer. In Phillip Day’s book, Cancer, Why We’re Still Dying to Know the Truth, we found testimonials of people who had been healed from cancer using natural therapy, part of that therapy being vitamin B17 found in apricot kernels. I started taking the kernels along with the important enzymes . Fresh pineapple provides the enzyme, bromelain, and fresh paw paw or papaya contains papain. These fruits are eaten for breakfast. Additional pancreatic enzymes are taken in tablet form. I took 30 kernels a day for six months, just to make sure that the cancer was really gone, and then continued on a maintenance dose of 14 per day. Many people think that apricot kernels are toxic, but this is not the case. The compound of cyanide they contain is different to the toxic form of cyanide. Vitamin B17 is only toxic to cancer cells.

I also changed my nutritional supplements to those mentioned in Phillip Day’s book, and my energy level increased dramatically as a result of these supplements – more powerful than any I had ever tried before. We also threw out all our regular brands of personal care/bathroom products and substituted them for the safer non-toxic ones mentioned by Phillip Day. Detoxification is the key, and that means not putting into your body harmful chemicals that get absorbed through the skin.

Currently I am in good health. I still continue to take a maintenance dose of 10 kernels per day and still continue with the very effective supplements.

What do the doctors say? At my regular six-monthly check-ups by my G.P. finds no sign of swollen nodes or spleen. As for my oncologist, his advice was “just keep on doing what you have been doing.” He sees no need to undergo another C.T. scan, which involves some degree of exposure to radioactivity. The physical evidence is enough!

Apricot kernels in the media – Read Paul’s comments on two newspaper articles that featured his cancer survival story.

Paul Prasser: Amazing Real Life Cancer Cures

Paul Prasser, United Kingdom

Both my daughter and my step-daughter have been cured from terminal cancer by a non-invasive treatment that seems miraculous but in fact is based on common sense and basic research supported by practical experience.

This is a factual account of experiences, within my immediate family, using a basic method of treating cancer that has proved to be amazingly effective. It saved the life of my daughter diagnosed with terminal cancer and now over 8 years later it has done the same for my step-daughter and our pet dog. In addition it removed persistent skin cancers from other members of my family. It describes a non-invasive and non-harmful treatment that can give rapid and near miraculous recovery. Supporting research is described with many links supporting this, its effectiveness and details of treatment. Chapter 1 was written at the end of 2006, and Chapter 2 will be the first hand story by my step daughter. She started with multiple cancer tumours all through her body in June 2008. She was too ill for chemotherapy and surgery was out of the question; the radical diet change, vitamin infusion treatment immediately helped her and 5 months later she has returned to work.

STOP PRESS ( Jan 2009) My step daughter’s second total body scan after five months treatment and change in diet shows ALL THE TUMOURS HAVE GONE EVEN THE ONES IN HER LUNGS. All her tissues are normal and healthy. It’s fantastic!!!

Chapter 1: Outlawed cancer treatment cures terminally ill family members

For those fearing or suffering from cancer this could be great news for you.

Shep, our 13 year-old border collie, and faithful companion for many years lay in my arms totally sick and almost unable to move.

The vet told us he had probably got throat cancer and had only a 50/50 chance of surviving the anaesthetic for a biopsy to check. Shep was choking, had ulcers in his mouth, was bringing up yellow bile, dribbling all the time, could hardly stand, had lost 4kgs, his coat and eyes were dull and he couldn’t eat. He had not been totally fit for some time but we put this down to old age. But, these new symptoms came on very suddenly – within three days. The vet gave him cortisone and an antibiotic, which helped him eat for a couple of days but he continued to decline. I said to my wife ‘let’s try the treatment which cured the cancers in both of our daughters. He is so far gone we couldn’t do any more harm’.

Eight years previously, my daughter had contracted ovarian cancer. After an initial course of chemotherapy the cancer returned and she was told that it was now in an inoperable position. The continued chemotherapy was damaging her health to the condition of a wheelchair patient. However by a miracle of fate, for which we will be forever thankful, when my daughter rang to tell us the terrible news, we had a complete stranger in the house doing market research. She told us that she, too, had cancer and was using an alternative method of treatment. Needless to say, we followed this up and, as a consequence, my daughter is alive and well today. The treatment by total contrast immediately started to bring back her health and vitality. This treatment consisted of a radical change in diet and vitamin infusions plus vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid.

More recently, my step- daughter was confirmed with breast cancer. We encouraged her to change her diet and take vitamin B17 in the form of apricot kernels. Ten days later, when she returned to the specialist in order to arrange for an operation, he seemed quite put out that the cancer had quite disappeared.

Last year I had had an itchy growth for nearly a year on the side of my head. The doctor thought it might be a wart and that I should arrange with the specialist to have it removed. I decided to try the alternative diet additives instead – guess what? In less than 10 days it had completely disappeared.

These cases had encouraged us to research alternative cancer treatments and now we decided to try the diet part of the treatment on our pet, Shep. We gave him the treatment in a chicken/vegetable soup with ground up antibiotic and cortisone three times a day. After the first day he was more alert, head up, eyes brightening. The second day he asked for a short walk. The choking and vomiting of saliva and bile had reduced and he even asked for seconds of soup. The pain and the ulcers had obviously gone. By the fourth day he walked for 40 minutes with only a little choking and no vomiting. He was tired and slept in front of the fire or in the sun but was eating solid chicken in the soup and crunching biscuits again. The body and throat swellings were softening and reducing in size. He was regaining weight, coat shiny, head and tail up, and a spring back in his step. Ten days after the biopsy we had the official report that he had the most virulent and fast acting form of cancer and in an inoperable place. The prognosis was two or three weeks of deteriorating health – from the date of the biopsy – before the end. In fact, he had regained his lost 4kgs, treed a cat in the garden and insisted on his usual 45 minute daily walk. Even his hearing, which he had lost the year before started to return.

Very recently my sister in law and her husband came to stay for a couple of weeks. She was worried about a large non-healing weepy growth on her earlobe and another patch on her leg. She had had these for about three years. Her doctor had dismissed the place on her leg but had recently surgically removed the growth on her ear, leaving a crater about a quarter of an inch in diameter. Sadly the growth had returned as badly as before. We showed her this article and she immediately followed the “Shep diet”. Surprise, surprise – within ten days the leg had healed. The ear however took ten weeks to return to normal.
What was this mysterious treatment? Where did it come from?

Well, let me explain.

I am not a doctor, but a qualified engineer. We are trained to examine problems from first principles- to find root causes and not just to treat symptoms. As I am sure you would agree, papering over the cracks when your house is falling down doesn’t take the place of some solid reinforcement of the foundations to keep the walls standing. From our earlier investigations, we had found two vital facts about cancer. These are NOT investigations subject to interpretation or statistical analysis, BUT basic, repeatable chemical reactions. A body is a highly complex mechanism, and so such clear basics are hard to find. Over 50 years ago researchers found that-
a) Vitamin B17, harmless in itself, formed cyanide and enhancing enzymes at, and only at, the site of a cancer. This then destroys the cancer and breaks down to harmless by-products.
b) Cancer cells are inherently weak and cannot exist in an alkaline environment with a pH of more than 8.
c) Vitamin C creates a highly alkaline solution at the site of a cancer.

“BINGO”. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see that this could be the answer to either halting or to the long term prevention of cancer.

For those not familiar with pH values, they are simply a means of describing how acid or alkaline a substance is, with a neutral of 7. The pH of a human body must be controlled within close limits or else it dies. The healthiest diet gives a neutral or slightly alkaline situation. Unfortunately for our society, the modern western diet heads more and more into the highly acidic area which results in very high stresses on all the organs and parts of the body for it to stay alive. Consequently, our society is experiencing a catastrophic rise in nasty diseases and damaged parts.

Back to Shep, our dog. We decided to give him a diet rich in vitamin B17, vitamin C, pineapple and papaya enzyme and chelated zinc (to aid absorption). He was continuing to take a small dose of cortisone. The best source of vitamin B17 is in apricot kernels but unfortunately, the powers that be have had this harmless nut banned from sale in the UK. However, almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, brown rice, lentils, linseed and sesame seed and red berries contain B17 and are not yet banned. We fed him chicken and vegetable stew with onions, carrots, leeks, red peppers, lentils and brown rice with six almonds/walnuts and the tablets/capsules finely grated on the top. This three times a day. This diet gave him all the essential items and at the same time moved his pH to a higher value. What was startling to us was such a rapid change. Needless to say, he soon got used to three meals a day and I was ‘dead legged’ if I was late or he hadn’t had enough.

This routine seems to be effective for smaller tumours (in both humans and dogs). For more serious conditions a vitamin mix infusion or direct injection is given.

What puzzles me is that all cancer patients are not routinely given this simple, cheap, pain reducing, harmless and quick acting treatment, possibly used in conjunction with conventional methods of treatment. My daughter’s initial treatment was a change in diet and intravenous infusion of vitamins.(The diet consists of mainly fruit and vegetables with no red meat, a minimum of fish and organic chicken/turkey, no dairy products and no refined wheat products. See Phillip Day’s books in the references). This, almost miraculously, made her immediately feel stronger and healthier. This was in sharp contrast with her demeanour and feelings after a chemotherapy infusion. Also it would seem sensible to advise people to eat a few nuts daily, as a preventative measure to make up for the removal by modern food processing of B17 from our normal daily diet. For some forms of cancer, this treatment seems to immediately halt the process, perhaps reduce some of the swelling and return bodily functions to normal. Of course, it will not reverse physical damage caused by damaging or invasive treatment or by deterioration caused by the cancer. However, for the cost of a few tablets and nuts, it’s worth a try. For those interested in long term survival useful statistics can be found on

These give comparisons of conventional and alternative treatments. In some cases chemotherapy gives a 5% in survival improvement above a no treatment situation, whereas, vitamin infusion can give 60% survival in terminally ill patients. I just hope that our personal experience will interest you and encourage you to obtain independent, alternative professional advice through the references below.


  1. Our experiences appear to verify the research work carried out on cancer over 70 years ago.
  2. This experience has confirmed to me that the condition of cancer seems very much like a vitamin deficiency for the following reasons:
    a) an almost immediate response to the treatment
    b) reduction in pain
    c) the very limited availability of vitamin B17 in our modern diet
    d) the removal from sale by the powers that be, of apricot kernels; the most abundant source of B17.
    The case of my sister-in-law tends to reinforce the idea that the growth in the incidence of cancer is the result of deficiencies in our diet. Her diet is healthy and largely vegetarian but it needed the small traces of essential vitamins to remove the cancers. It appears that small essential vitamins are processed out by modern production methods
  3. The addition of vitamin C, zinc, pineapple and papaya enzyme seem to be needed to help the reaction as does the change in diet to move the pH to a higher alkaline level. This diet is broadly 70%to 80% fruit and vegetable with no red meat and a minimum of fish and organic chicken/turkey, no dairy products, no products containing refined white flour. (More detail can be obtained from the references below). Exercise seems very important as we found Shep was much more alert after a long walk.
  4. This method of treatment should be used to arrest cancers and as a preventative measure.
  5. Remember, the treatment does not resurrect the damage caused by the cancer or other forms of treatment.
  6. Another intriguing scientific fact is that cancer cells are floating around the body all the time (In fact these cells can be identical to cells inside a pregnant woman). Hundreds of thousands of years ago the human species might have died out if it had not found a way of suppressing these cancer cells. By the normal natural selection process it seems to have found a solution. Unfortunately our modern society has virtually discarded the very mechanism which the human body so carefully developed – B17 and a pH neutral body.
  7. Healing commences almost immediately the new diet regime is embarked upon.

You may say that I am not an expert physician and should not discuss medical matters. However, as I explained, I see problems from a basic point of view and I have had experience with both medical and research institutions. I can therefore understand how closed communities, pressure groups and avarice can create the most ridiculous situations which can even turn the truth on its head. Kudos can come second to lives.

I expect you will be asking “why has this proven, cheaper and more effective treatment not been adopted by the cash strapped NHS?”

However, just think, has anybody got the power and authority to challenge the drug companies? Can anyone suggest that the vast edifice of trained doctors, expensive equipment and facilities, and highly expensive drugs is a sham and could be replaced by a doctor, a nurse and a bag of vitamin infusions? Is anyone in a position to suggest that the multibillion drugs industry put profit before the lives of patients?

You don’t believe this? Then why is the sale of the harmless apricot kernel banned in the UK and France? Why is vitamin treatment tolerated only outside the NHS? Even though some NHS doctors agree with the effectiveness of this treatment why are they prevented from openly recommending its use? Why is the administration of harmless vitamin infusions totally illegal in Canada whereas dangerous and highly toxic chemotherapy infusions are encouraged? Across the border in America the use of vitamins is actively encouraged. We do live in a crazy world don’t we?

The five cases mentioned above are fact. You may be told that they are just remissions, auto- suggestions or spontaneous cures. One case I could accept but not five in the same family.
Having said that, it is possible that certain types of cancer, and well-established cancers, may not be so easy to deal with.

If you are still sceptical, let me give you a few personal examples where treatment of symptoms takes the place of treatment of the root cause.

We all know about acne – the horrible zits of our youth. We are given antibiotics and other creams to smother the spots, but what is the basic problem? The body needs zinc- especially young people during puberty – so take a tablet of chelated zinc plus a handful of pumpkin seeds daily. After three days the zits disappear. Every time our son forgot, we would notice and say, “Take your zinc”. Then the zits would disappear again, just like turning a switch on and off.

Incidentally in several countries this treatment is recognised as a preventative against prostate cancer.

Here is a nice one – Hay fever. Many of us suffer from this especially if one lives in the countryside, as I do. The treatments using anti-histamines etc work but have unpleasant and dangerous side effects. What causes the problem? It is just dust and pollen falling on your face eyes and nose. Well continuously washing it off would solve the problem but it’s rather inconvenient. How about washing it from the inside? Just drink two litres of fresh clean water each day and “voila”, it washes the hay fever away. It’s a bit cheaper as well.

Let’s look at asthma. Normally this is treated by inhaling horrible steroids etc. If you go to the asthma clinic and ask the nurses what there patients have in common, some will say that all the asthmatics are shallow breathers. Nearly sixty years ago our sergeant major asked me, “Do you want me to cure your asthma, son?” Rather apprehensively I replied “Yes”. On the next cross-country run he told me to run as far as I could and then stop to recover and then run on. He then told me to repeat this process again and again. After three weeks I could run ten miles without difficulty. Sadly after forty years my asthma returned. I had lost the habit of deep breathing and also taken a liking to cows milk based products and salt laden savouries.
I must now retrain my breathing pattern or become addicted to the inhaler.

This case is interesting because both the nurses and the sergeant major could see the basic problem. One was free to treat the root cause whilst the other was restrained by the medical system to treat only the symptoms with drugs that give only short- term relief.

I remember the days when I attended Cub camps with my wife – a cub leader. The boys would arrive with bags of sweets cola drinks flavoured crisps etc. The youngsters were difficult, bored, twitchy and unable to sleep. The modern treatment is I believe “Ritalin” and other sedatives coupled with bribery of more sweets, TV or computer games. Our solution was to impound all these foods containing additives and sugars etc. In their place we supplied basic food: freshly-cooked meat, vegetables and fruit. After three days we had normal, interested and inquisitive children who were keen to help and enjoyed playing group games and learning new skills. The terrible thing was we had to repeat this process every year.

Migraine is a really debilitating complaint. My wife has suffered from it for much of her life. Conventional medication had little impact on the usual three days of torture. By accident one day when we were going sailing she discovered that if she took seasickness tablets as soon as the symptoms appeared she could avoid an attack. This incident made us look at this situation more closely and we discovered that in addition to high stress, chocolate and citrus fruits would trigger the attacks. So now attacks only happen by accident.

My hope is that all of you who suffer from cancer will take encouragement from these experiences and will take a little time to investigate alternative treatment or to use it alongside conventional treatments.

For those who are trying to avoid cancer, a handful of nuts a day, with the 80/20 alkali /acid food diet to give our bodies’ back the things we have managed to eliminate from our diet; seems an excellent idea.

There is some good news. Recently, (August 2008), apricot kernels have become available in the UK from some health food shops. It is advised not to take more than 10 in a day. If you get diarrhoea or feel unwell reduce this amount.

Suggested useful references:
“Cancer: why we’re still dying to know the truth” by Philip Day
This was the man whose talks on the subject convinced us to encourage our daughter to try alternative treatment. This and other books on sensible diet etc. can be found at

Other useful references:

Lentil Lasagne

  • 6 lasagne sheets (can use gluten-free lasagne)
  • 1 tin of tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • Italian herbs (basil, oregano)
  • 1 teaspoon Himalayan or Celtic (unrefined) salt
  • 1 cup dry lentils, (red or green)
  • Quantity Savoury Cashew Spread (Find the recipe in this section of website)


  1. Soak lentils in boiling water 10 minutes. Drain and rinse.
  2. Cook lentils in 2 cups water, until soft.
  3. Boil lasagne sheets in large saucepan. Drain and place in cold water.
  4. Blend onion, tomato puree and herbs in blender, (or chop onion finely if preferred)
  5. Mix blended ingredients with cooked lentils. (Lentils should be thick – not too much water). Cook all together in large saucepan 15 minutes, until onion is cooked through.
  6. Place the pasta sheets and lentil mixture in layers in a pyrex dish.
  7. Pour Savoury Cashew Spread on top of the top pasta sheet, and spread.
  8. Bake moderate oven 30 minutes.

Variation: Make vegetable lasagne by adding some steamed vegetables to the lentil mix.

Savoury Cashew Spread

This recipe is a staple and has many uses. You can use it as a spread, a dip, a sandwich filling, or bake it as a dairy-free ‘cheesy’ topping on a pizza or lasagne. Absolutely delicious!

  • 1 cup water
  • 3 heaped teaspoons arrowroot or pure cornflour
  • 1 and half cups raw cashews
  • 1/2 teaspoon Hungarian sweet paprika
  • 1 teaspoon Himalayan (unrefined pink salt)
  1. Place nuts in food processor and blend until fine.
  2. Place cold water in saucepan on stove. Add arrowroot and whisk while it is coming to the boil. This makes a thick, smooth paste.
  3. Add the arrowroot paste to the food processor with the ground nuts, salt and paprika. Blend.

Note: Himalayan salt it available from health shops. It has not been bleached and is actually good for you because it is full of minerals.

Nut Burgers

  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 teasp. dried herbs
  • 2 slices of ‘good’ bread: (Spelt or gluten-free bread)
  • 1 dessertspoon savoury yeast flakes (available from health shops)
  • 1 dessertspoon low salt soy sauce, (called ‘tamari’)
  • 1/2 zucchini
  • 1 and  half cups nuts or sunflower seeds, or a combination  (Sunflower seeds are cheaper and just as good)
  • 1/4 cup water
  1.  Place all ingredients in food processor. Blend. Add a little extra water if mixture is too dry. (Depends on amount of zucchini )
  2. Drop mixture by the spoonful into a hot pan greased with olive oil. Turn after about 5 minutes as for pancakes. Flatten out a little. After further cooking, turn again. Altogether they need about 15-20 minutes on medium heat.

These are like vegie-burgers. The yeast flakes makes them very tasty. You can serve them in a wrap, or as a compliment to salad or cooked vegetables.

Gluten Free Slice

  • 2 cups nuts, sunflower seeds, pepitas, or a combination
  • 1/2 cup sesame seeds
  • 1 cup gluten-free flour (e.g. millet flour, quinoa flour, buckwheat flour)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder (aluminium free)
  • 1 cup coconut (free of preservative 220)
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil or organic butter
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 chopped apple
  • 1 cup natural dried fruit (free of preservative 220)
  • water

1. Grind nuts / seeds in a food processor or coffee grinder.

2. Place dried fruit in a saucepan with  1/2 cup water, honey and coconut oil/butter. Bring to boil then turn off heat.  Allow to stand 5 minutes.

3. In a bowl, mix the ground nuts, seeds, gluten-free flour and coconut.

4. Add chopped apple and the warm dried fruit mixture. Mix.

5. Now add a little more water – just enough to make the mixture hold together.

6. Spread out into an oven-proof rectangular dish. The mixture should be about 1/2 inch (12 mm) thick.

7. Bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees C.

Pumpkin-polenta Savoury

Serves 6

  • 250 g chopped, uncooked pumpkin
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 dessetsp. olive oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup polenta
  • 1/2 cup pepitas (green pumpkin seeds)
  • handful of spinach leaves
  • 1/2 teasp. unrefined salt
  • 1/2 teasp. hungarian sweet paprika or 1/4 teas. cayenne pepper
  • 10 g. chopped goats feta cheese (optional)


  1. Grind pepitas in a coffee grinder or food processor. Set aside.
  2. Steam pumpkin.
  3. Fry onion in olive oil.
  4. Chop spinach roughly
  5. Combine all ingredients and blend in blender.
  6. Spoon into pie dish or casserole dish. Mixture should be about 3 or 4 cm. high when sitting in dish.
  7. Bake in moderate oven for 20-25 minutes

Optional: top with sliced tomatoes before baking.

Thai-style Vegetable Curry

  • 600 g of mixed winter vegetables, chopped coarsely: (e.g. pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, celery)
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3-4 spring onions
  • 600 ml. water
  • 1 teasp. Unrefined sea salt
  • 1 natural stock cube
  • 1 – 2 teasp. Curry powder
  • ½  teasp. ground Coriander (or use fresh)
  • 1 teasp. fenugreek
  • 1 can chick peas, drained and rinsed
  • 2 tablesp. coconut cream
  • 2 cups rice


  1. Cook rice in rice cooker.
  2. Combine all other ingredients in large stock pot and simmer about 20 minutes, until vegetables are soft.
  3. To serve, spoon some rice into bowls and use a ladle to pour the vegetable curry over the rice.
  4. Top with chopped chives, spring onions or parsley.