Artificial Sweetener

There are two main artificial sweeteners that have been used this century. The first, saccharin, is now unpopular due to its possible link with cancer. The second, aspartame, is very popular and appears in many types of processed foods. The potential health risks however appear to be even greater than that of saccharin.

Saccharin has been used as an alternative sugar since the early 20th century. It was officially given the ‘carcinogen’ title in 1977, when a rodent study in Canada produced an excess of bladder tumours in the male animals. However, due to public outrage, Congress decided to allow it back on the market with a health-warning label.1

Today saccharin remains controversial. Being unsure whether or not it poses a cancer threat, people have turned to another alternative, aspartame. Brand names include Nutrasweet, Equal, Spoonful and Equal-Measure and Neotame.

It is said that aspartame was discovered by accident in 1965 by James Schlatter, a chemist working for GD Serle Company, who was testing anti-ulcer compounds for his employers. However this is doubtful, because it is unlikely that any researcher would accidentally taste the chemical. Aspartame’s original approval as a sweetener for public consumption was blocked in 1974 over concerns about its safety. However it received its approval for dry goods in 1981 and given the go-ahead as a sweetener for carbonated beverages in 1983, despite growing concerns over its neurological effects. 2

Aspartame, (food additive number 951 or E951), is synthetically combined in a laboratory. It is 50% phenylalanine. This is not the type of phenylalanine that occurs naturally in foods such as apples and bananas. It is a petroleum derivative, in ‘free’ form, (quite different to the slow-absorbing bound-to-protein form found in foods.) Aspartame is 40% aspartic acid. This is the same as glutamic acid, (msg).3

Dr Olney found that an excess of aspartic acid and glutamic acid, two chemicals used by the body as neurotransmitters to transmit information between brain neurons, could kill neurons in the brain by allowing too much calcium to collect in the neuron cells to neutralise acid. This neurological damage led Olney to label aspartic acid and glutamic acid as “excitotoxins” in that they “excite” or stimulate the neural cells to death. 4

Aspartame breaks down in the human system to Methanol (which turns into the embalming fluid, formaldehyde), formic acid, (the same as the venom in ant stings) and DKP, (which was shown to cause brain tumours when fed to laboratory animals).

One litre of carbonated beverage, sweetened with aspartame contains around 56 mg of methanol. Heavy consumers of diet soft drinks can ingest up to 250 mg of methanol daily, amounting to 32 times the EPA warning limit. 5

Toxic effects of aspartame

Aspartame poses significant risks to all people, and is of particular danger to infants, children and pregnant women. 6

Conclusive evidence has shown that formaldehyde transformed from aspartame in the human body spreads throughout vital organs. Even in small doses, such as a single stick of chewing gum, it can cross the placental barrier.7

According to Taubert, there are 92 documented symptoms associated with the consumption of aspartame. The following list has been compiled from three sources, each of which lists the same or similar symptoms. 8

It seems that the majority of adverse symptoms are associated with the brain, the nervous system, the endocrine system and the muscles.

Selection of adverse effects from short-term and/or long-term use:

  • headaches
  • blurred vision
  • hearing loss
  • hormonal problems
  • dimentia
  • seizures/convulsions
  • dizziness
  • tremors
  • migraines and severe headaches (Trigger or Cause From Chronic Intake)
  • memory loss (common toxicity effects)
  • slurring of speech
  • confusion
  • numbness or tingling of extremities
  • chronic fatigue
  • depression
  • insomnia
  • irritability
  • panic attacks (common aspartame toxicity reaction)
  • marked personality changes
  • phobias
  • rapid heart beat, tachycardia (another frequent reaction)
  • asthma
  • chest pains
  • hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • nausea or vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal pain
  • swallowing pain
  • itching /rashes
  • hives / urticaria
  • other allergic reactions
  • blood sugar control problems (e.g., hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia)
  • menstrual cramps and other menstrual problems or changes
  • impotency and sexual problems
  • food cravings
  • weight gain
  • hair loss / baldness or thinning of hair
  • burning urination & other urination problems
  • excessive thirst or excessive hunger
  • bloating, edema (fluid retention)
  • infection susceptibility
  • joint pain
  • brain cancer /brain lesions
  • arrhythmia
  • edema
  • death

Aspartame disease mimics symptoms or worsens the following diseases

  • fibromyalgia
  • arthritis
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • lupus
  • multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS)
  • diabetes and diabetic Complications
  • epilepsy
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • birth defects
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • lymphoma
  • depression/panic disorder
  • attention deficit disorder (ADD and ADHD)

Aspartame can cause long-term damage:

It appears to cause slow, silent damage in those unfortunate enough to not have immediate reactions and a reason to avoid it. It may take one year, five years, 10 years, or 40 years, but it seems to cause some reversible and some irreversible changes in health over long-term use9

Aspartame caused large brain tumors in life-long animal experiments at a dose that could be considered within the “Acceptable Daily Intake” limit after adjusting for differences in metabolism of aspartame’s breakdown products between humans and rodents.

A 1969 study on 7 infant monkeys that were fed Aspartame in milk, resulted in one dying after 300 days and 5 others suffering Grand mal seizures. 10

Be diligent in reading labels. Aspartame is found in diet soft drinks including diet coke, and in “sugar free” sweets or chewing gum.

Aspartame may also be found in the following:

Over-the-counter drugs & prescription drugs (very common and listed under “inactive ingredients”), cheaper vitamin & herb supplements, yogurt, breath mints, cereals, cocoa mixes, coffee beverages, instant oatmeal, gelatin desserts, frozen desserts, juice beverages, laxatives, milk drinks, shake mixes, tabletop sweeteners, tea beverages, instant teas and coffees, topping mixes, wine coolers, dried fruits in cereals. 11

Safe alternatives

Some alternatives are honey; natural fruit sugars or concentrates; stevia which is a herbal sweetener, xylitol which is produced from corn syrup. Even cane sugar is safer, although has its own list of toxic effects.


  1. Day, P, (2001), Health Wars, Credence publications, U.Kp. 126, sited in Whelan, Elizabeth M, The Sweet and Sour News about Saccharin, American Council in Science and Health, 17th May 2000
  2. Day, P, (2001), Health Wars, Credence publications, U.Kp. 127
  3. Nash Stoddard, M, (2000), Aspartame – The Deadly Deception, Audio tape
  4. Day, P, (2001), Health Wars, Credence publications, U.Kp. 128
  5. Taubert, P.M., (2000), Your Health and Food Additives, Hyde Park Press, p. 6
  6. Day, P, (2001), Health Wars, Credence publications, U.Kp. 126
  7. Taubert, P.M., (2000), Your Health and Food Additives, Hyde Park Press, p. 8
  8. Day, P, p. 128; Taubert, P.M., p. 8-9; and<>
  9. <> viewed 25th July 2000
  10. Taubert, P.M., (2000), Your Health and Food Additives, Hyde Park Press, p. 9
  11. <> viewed 25th July 2000


Dairy products, despite popular opinion, are not the answer to osteoporosis. In the Western world we consume the highest volumes of dairy products in the world, and have the highest blood calcium levels, but the lowest bone calcium levels.

Homogenized milk is damaging to the arteries. The only milk suitable for drinking is the milk straight from the cow if you have one!

Osteoporosis is caused, not simply by low calcium, but by low magnesium and poor Vitamin D, toxins like steroids and excessive caffeine and sodium. Without magnesium you cannot absorb calcium into your cellular tissues or bones. Magnesium is needed for Vitamin D synthesis. Low Vitamin D levels mean low calcium absorption.

Foods high in both potassium and magnesium: lentils, chickpeas, peas, dried beans, nuts, brown rice, bananas, apples, green leafy vegetables, buckwheat and millet.

Best Vitamin D sources: mercury-free fish oil, sunshine

Magnesium levels lowered by: refined foods, stress, tea, coffee, alcohol, sugar, high carbohydrate and fat diets which are nutritionally empty.

Calcium levels are lowered by: soft drinks, tea and coffee, sugar, refined foods, smoking, some medications such as steroids.

Other factors to consider for healthy bones:

  • Weight bearing exercise – walking, climbing stairs, digging, aerobic exercises using weights
  • Supplementation with a balance of minerals and vitamins. Those that are essential for the absorption of calcium are zinc, molybdenum, manganese, potassium, Vitamin D, Vitamin C.


  • Woollams, C. The Tree of Life
  • Dingle, P, The DEAL

Colloidal Minerals

We used to say ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, but nutritional experts say that today we would have to eat at least TEN apples to get the same nutritional value that was in one apple 100 years ago. Our food looks good, but it lacks the flavour and nutritional value it once had, because it contains only a fraction of the necessary minerals.

There are over 90 nutrients that the body needs to function optimally. These include at least 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 3 essential fatty acids. Unfortunately today’s foods and lifestyle do not allow us to get these nutrients from diet alone – even if we eat a very well balanced organic diet.


Why are we not getting these nutrients from our diet?

Due to modern farming techniques, farmland soils are being overworked and are seriously depleted of minerals. As a result, foods grown on these depleted soils are also empty of minerals and other essential nutrients.

Until the 1940’s, farmers returned essential nutrients to the soil by mulching, manuring and crop rotation. At the end of World War 11, makers of nitrates and phosphates for weapons were left with stockpiles and needed to find new markets for these chemicals. Earlier experiments had shown that plants could grow in a mixture on just three minerals – nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. War chemical manufacturers began selling superphosphate, (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), as fertilizer, at an attractive price making traditional soil enrichment methods uneconomical.1

Three minerals may be enough to make a plant thrive, but by no means will supply the mineral needs of the human body. Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes stated decades ago that: “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” Can this just be co-incidence that today we are seeing a huge increase in diseases like cancer, heart disease and stroke?

None of the functions of the body can occur properly without ALL the minerals present in the diet. Minerals are responsible for:

  • Tens of thousands of bio-chemical functions
  • Enzyme function
  • All mental and physical processes
  • Hormonal secretion of our endocrine glands
  • Biochemical activity of vitamins
  • Neutralizing of toxic conditions within the body
  • Regeneration of cells

Many of us would consider adding a vitamin supplement to our diet, but few consider the importance of a mineral supplement. Vitamins are ineffective without minerals. An effective mineral supplement is a priority for everyone – even those who feel healthy.

What is an effective mineral supplement?

Do not choose the most commonly available – simple inorganic metallic minerals, which have only 3-12% absorption – not great value for your dollar! Instead, look for an organic colloidal mineral supplement. This is a plant-based drink, which will provide you with the 60 minerals that you need. Our bodies are designed to absorb plant minerals, not metallic minerals. Plants can absorb metallic minerals and convert them into colloidal minerals, which immediately go to work in the cells throughout the body and are almost 100% absorbable.

There are only a few known sources of these ancient mineral deposits still in their pristine state. One source is found in Utah’s Great Salt Lake. Another source is the Neydharting Moor in Upper Austria. Scientists believe that the secret of the remarkable properties of the Moor, lie in the unique geology of the area, and the hundreds of herbs the moor contains. The Neydharting Moor “biomass” is the result of complex biological processes, which produce an abundance of plant-based colloidal minerals.

People who are seriously interested in maintaining good health should take an organic colloidal mineral drink daily, as the basis of their nutritional program. This will provide the micro-minerals our bodies need. With an adequate supply of minerals in the body we can help prevent premature ageing and disease, and maintain the energy and vitality we need for our 21st century lifestyle.


Primary Source: Global Health Alert, Be Informed Productions p/L

1. Colgan, R. The New Nutrition pp. 10-11

Toxic Chemicals in Your Home

If you were told that there were toxic chemicals in you home, what would come to mind?…
cleaning products?
insect sprays?

Most of us are aware of the toxicity of these, but few would suspect the bathroom to contain a whole host of toxic chemicals.
Would you expect your shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste and make-up to contain toxic cancer-causing ingredients?
Most people wouldn’t, trusting in the protection of government agencies.

Dr. Samuel Epstein reveals some important information that at present is being hidden from the general public – information that everyone has the right to know.

Who is Samuel Epstein?

  • professor of environmental medicine
  • author of articles and books on effects of toxic ingredients and contaminants in food and household products
  • founder of the U.S. Cancer Prevention Coalition

The following article appeared in the Herald Sun, March 30, 2003

Call for cancer tags on make-up

Mary Papadakis writes…

A leading US cancer expert has called for warning labels on cosmetics containing carcinogenic substances.

US Cancer Prevention Coalition chairman Dr. Samuel Epstein says health warnings similar to those found on cigarette packets should be placed on ‘cancer-causing’ cosmetics and toiletries.

Dr. Epstein claims…There is overwhelming evidence on the presence of a wide range of carcinogens in cosmetics and personal care products.

Australian cosmetics expert and author Kevin Farrow said consumers were under-estimating the impact of small doses of carcinogenic substances found in products such as shampoos and moisturisers. Mr. Farrow, author of “Skin Deep: said “consumers needed to start thinking of their skin as the largest organ which was vital for respiration. We look at the skin as something that comes between us and the world and so we sort of look at it as a piece of clothing that doesn’t belong to us.”

So what’s wrong with our personal care products?

 Almost ALL shampoos, bubble bath, shower gels and toothpaste contain a foaming agent called Sodium Lauryl Sulphate.


So what’s wrong with SLS?

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate: “routinely used in clinical studies to irritate skin tissue; corrodes hair follicles and impairs ability to grow hair; carcinogenic Nitrates can form when SLS interacts with other nitrogen bearing ingredients; enters and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver, lungs and brain from skin contact; impairs proper structural formation of young eyes – damage is permanent; can damage the immune system; can cause separation of skin layers and inflammation to the skin.” (Journal of American College of Toxicology; Vol. 2,1983)

“As reported in model studies published in 2000 by the Danish Institute of Public Health, a single 24-hour exposure of SLS to human skin damages skin protein and causes prolonged disruption of ‘the skin barrier integrity of the skin’, to allow the penetration of carcinogens such as nickel and chromate. Thus, skin absorption of carcinogenic ingredients could be greatly increased by SLS type detergents.” (“Unreasonable Risk”, Samuel Epstein, 2002, p. 39)

Almost ALL hair conditioners, skin lotions and make-up contain a sliding agent called Propylene Glycol.


So what’s wrong with propylene glycol?

Propylene Glycol: “implicated in contact dermatitis, kidney damage and liver abnormalities; can inhibit skin cell growth in human tests and can damage cell membranes causing rashes, dry skin and surface damage. May be harmful by inhalation, ingestion or skin absorption. May cause eye irritation. Exposure can cause gastro-intestinal disturbances, nausea, headache and vomiting, central nervous system depression.” (Material Safety Data Sheets)


Summary of toxic chemicals in personal care products:

Shampoo/ conditioner – most contain Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulphate, DEA, TEA, Coal Tar

 Hair Sprays & Styling/ nail polish – most contain BHA, DEA, TEA, Methylene Chloride, Toluene, Flurocarbons

 Toothpaste – nearly all contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Saccharin, and some contain Fluoride

 Mouthwash – most contain alcohol concentration of more than 25% linked to mouth and throat cancer

 Dusting Powder – contains talc which acts like asbestos

 Bubble bath & body washes – most contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, DEA, TEA, MEA, PEG, Quatenium, fragrances

 Skin care/ cosmetics/ make-up – most contain Propylene Glycol, Alpha hydroxy-acids, Bentonite, Coal Tar, PEG, Petroleum

 Sunscreen – most contain PABA, Benzophehenones, Dibenzoylmethanes which are possibly cancer causing when heated

 Bar Soaps – most contain ammonia, formaldehyde and phenol, in addition to having a PH of 9, which removes the protective acid mantle making skin more vulnerable to penetration

Do we really know the cause of cancer? Why are 1 in 3 getting it? How about allergies? chronic fatigue? A.D.D.?

Samuel Epstein is convinced that these problems occur because “Our total environment – air, water, workplace and consumer products are contaminated with industrial carcinogens. We are exposed to these from conception to death”. He believes that the above products present greater risks than smoking.

Samuel Epstein’s site:

For more information on safe products, please email us.

Could you be suffering from heavy metal toxicity?

Common symptoms:
High levels of toxic minerals, such as mercury, cadmium and lead, can cause chronic and sometimes serious illness such as: chronic fatigue, inability to lose weight, diabetes, brain fog and auto-immune disease.

Which heavy metals cause the main problems?

  • Mercury
  • Aluminium
  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium
  • Lead
  • Uranium

Heavy metals find their way to the cells, where they sit on receptor sites. This means that good minerals and hormones cannot attach themselves to the receptors in the cells. As a result we may not be able to absorb good minerals. Hormones may not be able to reach their target sites in the cell, so we could have an imbalance.


Mercury is the number one most toxic metal on our planet.
What problems could it cause?
Mental issues; fatigue; nervous system problems like anxiety, poor sleep; gastro-intestinal problems; kidney problems; hormonal imbalance; lack of absorption of essential minerals; diabetes; allergies; heart disease; chronic fatigue syndrome, auto-immune diseases; cancer.
What are the sources of mercury?

  1. Dental amalgams (metal fillings) are the number one cause. If your amalgam fillings are more than 12 years old they will almost definitely be leaking. They will also most likely be giving off toxic vapour.
  2. Vaccinations
    In the past, most vaccinations relied on mercury as a carrier (Thimerosal). There has been much controversy over using a mercury carrier for infant vaccinations, so mercury has now been replaced by aluminium, which has its own problems (see below). However mercury is still used in Hep B and flu vaccines.
  3. Food sources of mercury (Methyl mercury)
    Contamination of foods in manufacturing, e.g. corn starch. (esp. fructose corn syrup)
    Fish to avoid: shark, barramundi swordfish, gemfish, blue-finned tuna, orange roughy; generally larger, older predatory fish
    Safer fish: canned wild Alaskan salmon, sardines; generally the smaller the fish the less mercury


What problems could it cause?
Neurological (brain and nervous system); depression, anxiety
What are the sources of aluminium?
Vaccinations; industry; water


What problems could it cause?
Vascular (veins, arteries, heart); cellular health
What are the sources of aluminium?


What problems could it cause?
Kidney and musculoskeletal disorders
What are the sources of cadmium?
The main sources are the old pesticides like DDT and Dieldrin, which are now banned in Australia. HOWEVER these pesticides are still in the soil and will be there for many years to come. New estates built on old farming land / old orchards, churn up the soil and the old pesticides are carried by the wind. We breathe them in. If going overseas, be aware that these chemicals may still be used in other countries, and may be put through the air conditioning system of the plane for easy fumigation.


What problems could it cause?
Anaemia; hypertension; neurological (brain and nervous system)
What are the sources of lead?
Industrial sources

What can be done?

Your naturopath can arrange a Mineral Hair Analysis and if necessary provide supplements to clear specific heavy metals from your body.

What is Mineral Hair Analysis?

  • Testing a sample of your hair can tell us:
  • which minerals are lacking in your body
  • which minerals may be causing a toxic overload.

How much does it cost?
Cost: $115

Health Supplements

Do we really need nutritional supplements?
Or can we get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat?
Let’s say we choose the best food available in our supermarket…no processed food… nothing from cans, nothing frozen, no ready made snacks, no fast foods or junk foods….
just fresh foods and natural ingredients…

Even if we tried our best to maintain a healthy diet, the truth is, we would not be getting all the nutrients we need for good health.

Where have all the nutrients gone?
Fresh fruit and vegetables may look great, but when analyzed show amazing deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.
Around 1945, agricultural “experts” decided that the earth needed help in producing better crops, and the use of chemical fertilizers began. Unfortunately, the very chemicals applied cause the millions of micro-organisms to flee, and so the ground became quite sterile.

Plant life grown on sterile land becomes very sickly. Insects will attack unhealthy plants, leaving healthy plants alone. The farmer now has the problem of insects destroying crops, so he must spray with poisons to kill the insects. These poisons, of course, find their way through our bodies, causing destruction at the molecular level, and damaged cells contribute to various degenerative diseases, the biggest one being cancer.

What are the effects of insufficient nutrient intake?
Much of the food we buy lacks the essential vitamins and minerals. Our body is a marvelous machine, and when given the right nutrition, has the ability to maintain good health and even heal itself. However without the basic tools, the body gradually breaks down. Today more and more people are dying of degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis.

Unfortunately people do not start to think about health until they have health problems. Young people who feel healthy, often don’t realize that nutrient intake is important in the present as insurance for the future. The ‘invincibility of youth’ is like a healthy bank account from which it is possible to make too many withdrawals. Bone strength, in later life for example, depends on the amount of bone building that was done during youth. The immune system is another area under attack. As we age, the efficiency of our immune system decreases. The stresses and toxicity of the modern environment weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of diseases like cancer.

The cancer rate is now 1 in 3 in the Western world. This means that 1 in every 3 people will get cancer sometime during their life-time. Do we just accept it as a fact of life?

The good news is that degenerative diseases are not inevitable. All of the above mentioned diseases can be avoided, and in some cases reversed, by sufficient nutrient intake and healthy life style.

Can nutrients help me avoid viral and bacterial diseases?
New viral/bacterial diseases are on the rise. Many of those emerging do not respond to anti-biotics. The best way to avoid these diseases is to have a healthy immune system. Those with weakened immune systems are the most susceptible.

Which nutritional supplements should I take?
Most of us think of vitamins before minerals. However, if minerals are not present, then vitamins will not do their job. Minerals are the catalysts that vitamins and enzymes need to do their work. Minerals come in several forms, but to get the 60 minerals we need daily, a supplement needs to be plant based colloidal liquid. This makes the minerals biologically available.

To the foundation of minerals, one can then add vitamins. Vitamins and minerals must be in a balanced formula. Too many people run to the shop and buy Vitamin C, or Vitamin B because they think they need it. The truth is, our nutrient level will correct itself, whatever the deficiency, when we take a balanced formula.

There are basically two kinds of vitamin and mineral supplements: cheap supplements that can be purchased from shops, or those based on latest scientific research. (You will probably not find the best ones in shops.) The best supplements, based on latest scientific research can be around 95% absorbable as opposed to 25% absorbable for the cheaper brands. The cheaper brands have the MINIMUM amount of the nutrient required by the government, which is not actually enough to make a difference. The quality vitamin and mineral supplements contain the proper amounts, in addition to being perfectly balanced.

What are free radicals and anti-oxidants?
We are constantly bombarded with cellular-damaging substances, (called free radicals), generated by our environment from air, water, pollutants and other substances.

Free radicals are “the bad guys”. They are also produced as the natural byproduct of breathing. They are damaging to the body and need to be neutralized by enzymes, which are normally present in out diet. Anti-oxidants, “the good guys”, destroy free radicals.  Because our food does not contain the anti-oxidants that it once did, and because of environmental pollution, we need anti-oxidant supplements to help deal with toxic overload.

How can we be sure of quality?

It is important that the health supplements you use are based on the latest scientific research, and have been produced under strict quality control. Supplements should also be 95 – 98% bioavailable. This means that they are available to the cells, and do not pass through the body unabsorbed. Not all vitamin and minerals supplements are the same. The basic rule of thumb is, you get what you pay for.  Naturopaths can supply you with quality ‘practitioner-only’ supplements. If you prefer to bi-pass the naturopath and buy supplements for yourself, then don’t go to the shops looking for them. There are several companies companies that provide superior products through direct marketing. This kind of marketing means that there are fewer financial overheads, making it possible to put more money into the quality of the product.

For more information on excellent nutritional supplements, please contact us.

Untested chemicals

Untested cosmetics such as mascara, hair dye and liquid hand soap are just three of the products that are a concern, based on a study by the Environmental Working Group.

The following newspaper article gives more evidence that the government is not looking after us when it comes to testing for harmful ingredients in cosmetics, soaps and hair dyes. Only 11% of the 10,500 ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products have actually been tested! This is very serious, when you consider that chemicals with a low molecular weight get absorbed through the skin and accumulate in our organs. The Consumers Association of Penang published a book called “Cancer-causing chemicals in Cosmetics and Daily Use Products”, warning consumers of the dangers. They were prompted to carry out investigations when reported cases of cancer in Malaysia grew by 500% since 1970. This corresponded to the increased use of Western cosmetics.

Untested Cosmetics May Soon Carry Warning Labels
Would you rethink purchasing your next tube of lipstick or personal care product if it bore a warning label stating its safety had not been determined? This may become a reality if the FDA decides the ingredients in the product haven’t been adequately tested for safety.

Based on a study conducted by the Environmental Working Group, some products that are under close scrutiny by the FDA include:

  • Mascara, which can contain ingredients linked or potentially linked to cancer
  • Liquid hand soap, which may contain ingredients suspected of raising the risk of breast and skin cancers
  • Hair dye, which can contain coal tar, which has been linked to bladder cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Important factors that companies often leave out of product testing include the possibility the product may cause cancer or birth defects

The FDA has maintained a hands-off approach to performing any kinds of tests on cosmetics and toiletries prior to when they reach the market shelves. An independent panel of experts appointed by the cosmetic industry performs the only regulation that is done.

Over the past 29 years, the panel of “experts” referred to as the Cosmetic Ingredient Review has declared 694 ingredients to be safe and only nine to be unsafe. The Environmental Working Group disputed these findings by saying that the panel reviewed only 11 percent of 10,500 ingredients recorded by the FDA.

The Miami Herald March 31, 2005

Vitimin B17: Alternative Cancer Therapy

Philip Day has written an excellent book, “CANCER – Why we’re still dying to know the truth”. He outlines the exciting discovery of the use of vitamin B17 in curing cancer. Here are some extracts from his book:

“During the 1950s, after many years of research, a dedicated biochemist by the name of Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., isolated a new vitamin that he numbered B17 and called ‘laetrile’. As the years rolled by, thousands became convinced that Krebs had finally found the complete control for all cancers, a conviction that even more people share today.”
“‘Nitrilosides’ are natural foods rich in Vitamin B17. This vitamin is characterised by a large group of water-soluble, essentially non-toxic, sugary compounds found in over 800 plants, many of which are edible. one of the most common sources of B17 is found in plentiful supply within the kernels (seeds) of many non-citrus fruits, such as cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums and apples. However it is within the seed of the humble apricot that the highest concentrations of B17 can be found, up to 2 to 2.5 percent by weight in most varieties.

Krebs’ studies showed that when a human or animal system ingests sufficient amount of laetrile (or in its natural form, hydrocynacic acid), this substance becomes selectively toxic to cancer cells.

Krebs was aware that indigenous peoples consuming vast quantities of hydrocyanic acid were not experiencing any harmful side-effects. On the contrary, their lives were characterised by abundant good health and extreme longevity.
from Cancer – Why we’re still dying to know the truth, by Phillip Day

For apricot kernels in Australia:

Philip Day lists  foods containing vitamin B17. (Remember that while apricot, plum, peach and apple seeds contain higher concentrations, these other foods contain B17 as well)

  • sheep sorrel (see recipe for sheep sorrel tea in “The Healing Power of Food)
  • flaxseed
  • tapioca
  • alfalfa sprouts
  • barley
  • blackberries
  • brown rice
  • cashews
  • gabanzo beans (chick peas)
  • macadamia nuts
  • lentils
  • lima beans
  • millet
  • walnuts
  • yams
  • strawberries

Phillip Day’s research shows that people with cancer should consume apricot kernels, and people who do not have cancer should also consume them, in a lower dose, as a cancer preventative.

For those with cancer, Phillip Day suggests 40 per day, (depends on body weight), but build up to this amount gradually. Start with 5 per day and don’t take more than 5 in one hour. People who are free of cancer and want to avoid it should take 8-10 per day. For cancer patients particularly, it is important to consume paw paw, (containing the enzyme papain) or pancreatic enziymes which can be bought in capsule form from health shops. These enzymes strip the coating on the cancer cells, so that the B17 in the kernels can do its job. Vitamins A and E are also important for enhancing the work of the kernels. A pancreatic enzyme supplement is also advisable.

Paul Reid’s testimony, diet regime and steps to healing from cancer are outlined in our book, “The Healing Power of Food”, an excellent companion to Phillip Day’s book. The Healing Power of Food gives practical advice to those with cancer and those who want to avoid it. Paul took 30 kernels a day for 6 months and now takes a maintenance dose of taking 12 per day. He also takes paw paw enzymes each day.

Vitamin B17, found in the seeds of many fruits including apricots, has vital cancer fighting properties. 
Vitamin B17, also known as laetrile or amygdalin, has vital cancer fighting properties. It is naturally occurring in a variety of foods, such as buckwheat, berries, lentils, linseeds, almonds, cashews, buckwheat and millet, but it is most concentrated in the seeds of apricots, peaches, plums, nectarines and applesIt is a form of cyanic acid, toxic to cancer cells, although not toxic to other cells in the body. 1 
Pineapple, paw paw and additional pancreatic enzymes should be taken in the morning. The kernels should be taken throughout the day and not taken all at once. They should be chewed, or ground and then chewed. They can be added to foods to help disguise the bitter taste, e.g. with mashed banana. However they should be chewed, even if ground. 
The Hunzas, renowned for longevity, were traditional growers of apricots. They cracked the seeds of apricots, ground the kernels and added them to their food. 

Dr.Ernst Krebs Jr. medical graduate of Illinois in 1941, with his father, researched the use of enzymes and Vitamin B17, in their treatment of cancer. He built upon the research of Professor John Beard, from Edinburgh University, 30 years before. Krebs found that Vitamin B17 was extremely toxic to cancer cells, although harmless to normal cells. He discovered that the cancer cell had a protein covering, and if the body’s pancreatic enzymes dissolved that covering, then the cancer cell can be destroyed by the white blood cells, but even more effectively by Vitamin B17. The two components, Hydrogen cyanide and especially Benzaldehyde in the B17, are extremely toxic to cancer cells. 2 

In normal cells, the enzyme rhodinase, produced in the liver, renders B17 harmless. Every day we produce several hundred cancer cells. We need to get them early with a diet rich in B17. B17 seeks out and destroys only the cancer cells. Krebs recommended eating ten apricot kernels per day for life as a preventive measure. A maximum of 5 kernels at any one time in a two-hour period is recommended to prevent excess B17 building up in the liver. Vitamin B17 should not be taken by people with liver cancer, or by people with liver malfunction. 3 
Dr Binzel, who uses nutritional therapy along with Vitamin B17, explains that removing the tumour does not correct the defects in an individual’s defense mechanism, so it is likely that the tumour will come back. Dr. Binzel does not start his patients on laetrile until the patients have been on vitamin and mineral supplements, enzymes and the diet for ten days to two weeks. He finds that laetrile seems to have little or no effect until a sufficient quantity of other vitamins and minerals are in the body. Zinc, for example, is the transportation mechanism for the Laetrile. The body will not rebuild any tissue without sufficient Vitamin C.4


  1. Woollams. C., The Tree of Life, 2004, p. 151
  2. Binzel, P.,Alive and Well, 1994, p. 24
  3. Woollams, C. Op. Cit.,p. 153
  4. Binzel, P., Op.Cit.,p. 25 & 99

Environmental Toxins

Increasing Cancer Rates:


  • Minerals & trace elements were still present in the soils
  • There were virtually no herbicides or pesticides
  • Food was typically picked ripe & eaten fresh
  • Food was free from chemical additives and preservatives & colours
  • Very little processed food
  • Minimal products used on the skin
  • Cleaner environment with low air pollution

Nutrition – High
Toxins – Low
Cancer rates 1 in 80

  • Pesticides & herbicides introduced
  • chemical fertilisers replace natural fertilisers
  • Use of chemical food additives & preservatives & colours increases
  • More products applied to skin
  • Chemicals used in the home environment
  • Chemicals adding to air pollution and water pollution

Nutrition – Moderate
Toxins – Moderate
Cancer rates 1 in 30

  • Nutrition levels are very low, minerals & trace elements are depleted from the soils
  • Pesticide use is increasing
  • Over 350 chemical additives in our food, over 100 additives are known or suspected carcinogens
  • Large amounts of processed food with the goodness often stripped from the final product
  • A huge range of toxic & carcinogenic chemicals are applied to our skin, tiny amounts are absorbed into our blood stream & stored in our body
  • Many chemical products in the home
  • Over 75,000 chemicals in daily use

Nutrition – Low
Toxins – High
Cancer rates 1 in 3


Check your bathroom product labels for the following harmful ingredients:


C = Linked to CANCER in animals and/or humans, or forms carcinogen nitrosamines when mixed with other ingredients.

(WARNING: All confirmed human carcinogens, except arsenic & possibly benzene, have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. Occupational studies clearly show that repeated and prolonged exposure to even very small quantities of carcinogens can lead to cancer.)

S = Skin/eye irritant, may cause allergic reaction.

O = Accumulates in organs.

A = Can cause asthma.

N = Neurotoxin, damages the central nervous system or Teratogen, affecting the embryo.







At 25% + concentration is linked to tongue and throat cancer. 30mls of mouthwash can cause seizures, brain damage & coma in children/infants, 150ml causes death.


Aluminium Antiperspirants & deodorants Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease and Breast Cancer Antiperspirants. Aerosol sprays remain in the breathing zone of adults for up to 24 hours and much longer for babies and small children.


Food no.320

BHA: Butylated hydroxyanisole(derived from coal tar dye)

Makeup, lip balm, lip gloss, lipstick.


Food no.321

BHT: Butylated hydroxytolueneDerived from coal tar dye and petroleum.

Lipsticks, eye liner, shaving cream, baby oil/lotion, hand/body cream.

Up to 13% of cosmetic BHT is absorbed through skin. Affects the reproductive organs.


DEA: Diethanolamine Dishwashing detergents, shampoo, conditioner, soap/liquid soap, baby products, bubble bath, lotion, shaving cream, cosmetics.

In Nov. 1997 the National Toxicology Program (US) reported that DEA was a carcinogen, readily absorbed through the skin, is an eye & skin irritant, can cause impaired vision and can accumulate in organs causing toxic effects.

it as carcinogenic, capable of toxic accumulation in organs.


‘Sodium’ Fluoride:

Toothpaste, Fluoride Mouthwashes

Poisonous when ingested over long periods, accumulates in body tissues. Linked to bone cancer. Children swallow approx 25%-50% of toothpaste they use. 1g of fluoride can cause dangerous poisoning, adults ingest .3mg fluoride when brushing, and 5-10g is lethal. Banned in Canada and restricted in Europe/UK (Sodium fluoride used in toothpaste, it is a toxic by-product of aluminium filings, different from naturally occurring calcium fluoride)


Methylene Chloride: Hairspray, insect spray, fragrances, air freshener sprays, shampoo, cleansing lotions.

A nervous system poison, known to cause birth defects in developing embryo.



Phenylene-diamines Hair Dyes and Eye Lash Dyes Colouring derived from coal tar, a known carcinogenic. Can cause blindness on eye contact. This chemical is linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, multiple myeloma, breast cancer, and is a suspected teratogen (affecting the embryo). Banned in Europe.


Food no.:

405, 477


Propylene Glycol Lotions, baby wipes, deodorants, foundations, mascara, shaving cream, shampoo, conditioner, toothpastes, hair dye, anti-freeze Used in larger concentrations in deodorants than industrial chemicals. May cause eczema. Accumulates in the heart, liver & kidneys (may cause abnormalities & damage)


Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) Toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, bubble bath, shaving cream, cosmetics. Sodium lauryl sulphate: accumulates in heart, liver, lungs & brain. Damages immune system and mutates genetic info in cells. Impairs ability of hair to grow, damages hair cuticle, linked to eye damage & urinary tract infections. Causes skin irritation/eczema. Causes mouth ulcers. Reacts with DEA & TEA to form potent carcinogenic nitrosamines, releasing formaldehyde.


Food no.


Talc Cosmetics, foundations, eye shadow, eye/lip pencils, powders & condoms Is contaminated with asbestos like fibres, 60% increased risk of ovarian cancer.


Toluene: Hair spray, hair gel, nail products, perfumes and fragrances Fragrance vapours in the air are readily inhaled. Trigger for asthma, damages the nervous system, and causes headaches. Suspected of causing birth defects.


What is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a condition in which there is musculo-skeletal pain without any obvious tissue damage. The pain is usually widespread but sometimes occurs in only one region of the body. It is a common condition in the community, affecting an estimated three to five per cent of the population. Women are affected ten times more commonly than men. Fibromyalgia can also cause fatigue, and there can be substantial overlap with chronic fatigue syndrome.

The most common symptoms experienced by people with fibromyalgia are:

  • Widespread pain in muscles, ligaments and tendons
  • Pain may be aching, burning, throbbing or stabbing
  • Muscles may feel like they have been pulled or overworked
  • Muscular stiffness, which is usually worse in the morning
  • Fatigue, including “brain” fatigue
  • Poor quality sleep
  • Headache
  • Irritable bowel syndrome – constipation, diarrhea, abdominal gas
  • Additional symptoms may include minor swelling, poor concentration, joint disfunction and other problems.

Aggravating factors: changes in weather, cold drafty environments, hormonal fluctuations, stress, depression, anxiety, over-exertion.

Possible causes
Medical practitioners agree that the basic underlying cause is unknown, but may be triggered by:

  • Infection
  • Injury
  • Poor sleep
  • Stress

Alternative practitioners believe that Fibromyalgia could also be caused by:

  • Oestrogen dominance
  • Diet
  • Environmental factors

Elaine Hollingsworth, director of Hippocrates Health Centre of Australia, says that symptoms are so close to those of oestrogen dominance or progesterone lack, that it appears to be beyond co-incidence. Progesterone, which offers great protection during pregnancy, could also be critical to our good health.

Oestrogen dominance means low progesterone levels. We need the right balance of progesterone for protection against lifestyle diseases, and for a strong immune system. Our bodies absorb oestrogen from pesticides, plastics, drugs, chemicals in personal care products, glues and household cleaning agents. It is now known that the skin is a carrier, not a barrier. This means that substances get absorbed through the skin and carried to our organs. Many substances accumulate gradually in the liver and kidneys.

Most shampoos, bubble bath, shower gels and toothpaste contain a foaming agent called Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. This substance has over 90 different names, so unless a foaming product is labeled SLS free, then the foaming agent will be SLS, used by the manufacturer because it’s cheap. SLS can form nitrates when it interacts with other substances. It goes in through the skin easily, allowing the penetration of other carcinogens. It can damage skin and can damage the immune system.

Almost ALL hair conditioners, skin lotions and make-up contain a sliding agent called Propylene Glycol. This is another substance that is highly absorbable, and can also cause kidney and liver abnormalities.

Other toxins to watch out for in bathroom products are the chemicals, DEA, TEA, or anything with a capital E, formaldehyde, aluminium, toluene and fluoride. Most hair sprays, nail polish, perfumes, deodorant, talc, make-up, sunscreens all carry hidden dangers, and promote oestrogen dominance as they get absorbed into our bodies. Be aware that the labeling of a product as natural, organic, or herbal may not necessarily be safe.

 Many chemicals, particularly those found in cheap plastics, are oestrogen mimics. Much of our food, drink, toothpaste and shampoo are sold in these cheap plastic containers. We absorb these chemicals as they leach out of the bottle into the contents. We absorb oestrogen even by handling plastic wrap. Synthetic oestrogens, or oestrogen mimics, all cause oestrogen overload in our bodies. Animal fat consumption increases oestrogen levels. So does HRT and the pill. Many researchers are convinced that oestrogen dominance is responsible for the spreading of cancer in the body. Excess oestrogen, especially oestrogen mimics, have been clearly shown to weaken the immune system. They not only cause cancer, but also reproductive problems. Health researcher, Phillip Day, agrees that Fibromyalgia is caused by oestrogen dominance. Try to find safe products, and don’t use products that you don’t need.

Fibromyalgia is aggravated or worsened by toxins in food, especially aspartame. This substance is known to mimic Fibromyalgia symptoms in the body. It is known to cause headaches, nerve disorders, insomnia, depression, chronic fatigue, dizziness, brain fog, hormonal problems, dementia and many other symptoms. Aspartame is found is diet soft drinks and sweets or chewing gum sold as “sugar-free”. Even small doses have seriously impact health.


Choose supplements that will both detoxify and restore the nutrient balance. This means taking a complete balance of minerals and vitamins.

Also take:

  • Magnesium – for energy and muscle relaxation.
  • St John’s Wort – eases depression and improves pain tolerance
  • Vitamin C and Grape Seed extract – powerful anti-oxidants that protect muscle cells from damage
  • Coenzyme Q10 – helps relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue
  • Valerian – to assist sleep

What else you can do:

  • Use a hormonal balancing cream, containing Mexican Wild Yam and Chaste Tree extract, to build progesterone levels.
  • Avoid toxins in food. Don’t eat foods with additives. Major on unprocessed foods.
  • Avoid toxins in personal care products and cleaning products. Find a company that has safe products.
  • Use paper lunch wrap, (not plastic), and store food in good plastics, (such as Tupperware) or glass jars.
  • Don’t reuse cheap plastic water bottles.
  • Avoid all sugar and yeast, found in bread, pasta and alcohol.
  • Eat a predominance of raw fruits and vegetables.
  • For adrenal exhaustion, eliminate grains except for brown rice.
  • Eliminate polyunsaturated fats – they promote overactive thyroid.
  • Drink plenty of pure water.
  • Avoid regular tea and coffee. Herbal tea is okay.
  • Make yourself fresh juices between meals to keep up energy supply.
  • Take hot baths or showers to soothe soreness, increase circulation and relieve stiffness.
  • Visit a massage therapist.
  • Get at least 8 hours sleep per night
  • Avoid stressful situations
  • Be positive

Latest findings:
Aerobic exercise may actually help to relieve symptoms when combined with stress management techniques. Forty-five minutes of exercise, 3-5 times per week eased pain in a trial group. You need to gradually work up to this.


  • Phillip Day, “The ABCs of Disease”
  • Elaine Hollingsworth, “Take Control of your Health”
  • Reader’s Digest, “Healing power of Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs”
  • Chris Woollams, “Oestrogen, the killer in our midst”