I have just been to see “That Sugar Film” by Damon Gameau. It is a must-see for everyone…entertaining but informative, shocking, but still rated PG. Damorange juiceon wants to target all audiences including children.
Ten Reasons to quit sugar

1 – We’re eating unnaturally high amounts
A pint of fizzy drink contains 17 teaspoons of sugar. A glass of orange juice contains 7 ½ teaspoons. Anything more than 25 grams of fructose (equivalent to 2 ripe bananas) a day is considered excessive!

2 – It’s involved in metabolic syndrome & diabetes onset.

3 – It raises testosterone levels in women, the main culprit of excess hair growth, disrupts ovulation and may cause Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

4 – It raises hormone levels in males.
DHT hormone levels above normal during adulthood can be a contributing factor to erectile dysfunction, male pattern baldness and enlargement of the prostate.

5 – It’s oestrogenic
High insulin in response to a high sugar diet can promote other, more drastic changes in the male physique including enlargement of male breast tissue.

6 – It elevates ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol
We have all grown up with the staunch believe that saturated fat elevates cholesterol and causes heart disease. In more recent times, it has been discovered that it’s not fat but sugar that is the culprit.

7 – It accelerates ageing
Excess glucose literally caramelises proteins in your body, creating free radicals and causing damage to cells and DNA. This means more wrinkles!

8 – It increases inflammation
It exacerbates eczema and arthritis. Elevated levels of insulin converts anti-inflammatory compounds such as fish oil into pro-inflammatory chemicals.

9 – It’s addictive
Sugar is an addictive substance just like alcohol, nicotine, cocaine or some prescription medication.

10 – It comes in many disguises!
Sugar ‘alternatives’ such as processed honey and syrups will have a similar negative effect on your insulin response. You need to retrain your taste buds to crave less sweet foods. Do not replace table sugar with ‘healthy’ alternatives such as date syrups or processed honey. Don’t be fooled into believing that ‘natural’ sugars like fructose in fruit are harmless.

For full article see:

Tips on surviving a sugar withdrawal
1. Make sure you have plenty of minerals. Adequate minerals will reduce cravings. A colloidal mineral supplement is excellent. You could also try Percy’s Powder, chromium and Himalayan salt.

2. When you have cravings, eat some healthy fat, such as avocado or coconut oil. The reward centres in the brain for fat and sugar are similar.

Nutrition education for children
As well as creating “That Sugar Film” Damon has also created a nutrition education program for school children ages 10 to 16.

I would also recommend the nutrition education program for children on this website: NEW START for ages 5 to 12.