Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the western world today. The government is spending millions on research, medication and bi-pass surgery, and yet the research has already been done. Heart disease is preventable.

To quote Phillip Day:

“Coronary heart disease, heart attacks, angina, pectoris, thrombosis, myocardial infarctions – trouble by any name – can be caused by certain types of drugs, and also by material which prevents normal blood-flow (atherosclerosis). If you take your garden hose, which is supplying water to your lawn sprinkler, and bend the hose, the water flow ceases to the sprinkler. Likewise, if the arteries supplying blood to the heart become clogged with deposits, or blood clots brought on by sticky platelets, the same starving of liquid to the pump will occur.”1

How do we prevent heart disease?

Three factors are important: diet, exercise and supplementation.


Don’t necessarily be guided by foods that receive the heart health tick. The most important fats to be avoided are the refined processed oils, like cooking oils and margarine, and ‘trans-fats’ found in potato crisps and similar junk foods. These can be more dangerous than saturated fat.

According to The New England Journal of Medicine, trans-fats, or polyunsaturated fats, increase the risk of heart disease by damaging arteries. These dangerous fats are in margarine, vegetable oils, all fast food, most bakery goods. Trans-fats can break and enter arterial walls, rob nutrients and create free-radicals. It is one of the major contributors to cancer and heart disease.

Good sources of fats are avocados, nuts, seeds, cold-pressed olive oil, coconut oil,  soft cheeses, organic eggs and mercury-free fish oils. (Unfortunately fish itself these days cannot be guaranteed mercury-free, and the only reliable form of fish oil is in a practitioner grade supplement with a mercury-free guarantee on the label).

Eat mostly plant foods, and as much raw plant food as possible. Avoid refined processed foods. Do not consume too much red meat. Try some plant-based protein sources such as lentils, dried beans, chick peas (garbanzo beans),  nuts and seeds. For lunch and dinner, at least 50% of your plate should be raw salad vegetables. For breakfast, eat fresh fruit, with some ground raw almonds and sunflower seeds.

Organic free-range eggs may be eaten, despite popular contrary opinion. Good quality eggs laid by healthy free ranging chickens do not raise cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is not the enemy. It has been placed in our bodies for a purpose. Cholesterol is a protective mechanism against toxins such as heavy metals. However there is ‘good cholesterol’ and ‘bad cholesterol’ making up your total cholesterol count, so ask your doctor what your ratio is. If good cholesterol is high, and bad cholesterol low, then there should be no problem.


The two forms of exercise our bodies need are: weight-bearing exercise and cardiovascular exercise.

Cardiovascular exercise is that which gets the heart pumping and makes us puff a little. It is important to undertake this type of exercise little and often. A person with a sedentary job during the week, who decides to run a marathon on the week-ends is not in a good place. This habit places too much strain on the heart. It is better to do a daily walk or short jog each day. Uphill walking, stair climbing and swimming are also good forms of cardiovascular exercise, but never over-do it. Your body will tell you what you can manage.


One of the most amazing developments in prevention and treatment of heart conditions is chelation therapy. This is a special nutritional formula, given intravenously, that has no side-effects. Chelation means “to claw”. The solution, when introduced into the body, cleans out the body from within, cleaning out the plaque from the arteries. Numerous double-blind studies have shown the success of chelation therapy. There is an 85-90% collective success rate. However in most countries, conventional medicine has rejected this therapy because money and politics have taken the place of a concern for health. Bi-pass surgery brings in $millions each year. In New Zealand, the option of chelation therapy is given first, before bi-pass surgery. The problem with bi-pass surgery is that after 5 years, the plaquing starts all over again. 2

A chelation therapy has been developed in a tablet form, and is known as oral chelation therapy. Oral chelation is a specific nutritional formula, which builds and strengthens the antibodies needed to eliminate dangerous cells. It meets deficiencies and to some extent repairs damage. Over time, these powerful nutrients are designed to claw and remove blockages to arteries, restoring blood flow. 3

Bill Davidson, who has formulated a very good oral chelation formula, explains how oral chelation therapy works. Let’s look at the arteries and veins. Arteries carry oxygen to the cells. The veins carry carbon dioxide from the cells back to the lungs. The arteries have an extra layer of muscle. Problems occur more readily in the arteries than the veins because of the hardening of this extra layer of muscle – a bit like a garden hose lying in the sun. It lacks flexibility and may crack. When arteries lose their flexibility they do not expand as they should. The pressure builds up and the heart has to work much harder to pump blood through the arteries. Damage occurs easily. Hardening is caused by free-radicals. Calcium and cholesterol can collect at the site of the damage. This reduces the diameter of the artery leading to reduction in blood flow. Particles can break off and travel to the heart, causing a heart attack, or to the brain, causing a stroke.

When there is an abrasion in the arterial wall, plaque may go to this point and builds up as an attempt to repair the damage. This attempt to repair causes a build-up of plaque, leading to blockage. Chelation therapy gently claws away and gradually removes the build-up of plaque on the arterial wall, at the same time repairing the damage.

Not all cholesterol is bad. We have good cholersterol – HDL, and bad cholesterol – LDL. Oral chelation therapy has been shown to improve the HDL-LDL ratio.

As cells in the artery wall are damaged, Oral chelation can repair the damage. So too, can it repair any cell in your body. It can not only help the cardio-vascular system, but can assist with any cell damage. It has had good results with cancer and arthritis. Often, when treating heart disease, there are reports of arthritis improving as well.

Because free-radicals cause cell damage, it is advisable to take a good antioxidant along with the oral chelation formula. The most powerful are OPCs, or pycnogenol. The body can reverse conditions, but it needs help to do so. Everyone should take oral chelation therapy. It improves the delivery of nutrients to every cell, reduces plaque build-up, improves the function of the cardio-vascular system and the immune system.

While chelation therapy is most beneficial for heart health, Dr. Davidson explains that it is also extremely beneficial for people with arthritis, or as an arthritis preventative. 4

It is also extremely beneficial for people who need to detoxify. This includes people with cancer and children with A.D.D. Eve Hillary, who suffered from chemical toxicity, and whose son developed A.D.D for the same reasons, found chelation therapy to be very helpful.

Chelation therapy has been used for many years, particularly in Europe. The formula attracts and binds heavy metals, and extracts them from the body tissues so they can be released for excretion by the kidneys. Lead for example, is stored in all body tissues, including blood, bones and brain. 5

The oral chelation formula, used as an alternative to the intravenous method, is now available in tablet form.  It a  valuable and convenient way for all to keep the cardiovascular system in excellent health. Taking this supplement on a regular basis not only helps people with heart conditions, but can help everyone to avoid serious illnesses like heart disease, stroke, arthritis and even cancer.

Contact us for more information on oral chelation supplementation.


  1. Day, Phillip, The ABCs of Disease, p. 149
  2. Dr. Rockford McCord, Who Has Your heart? Audio tape
  3. Sick of being Sick and Tired – brochure
  4. Dr. Bill Davidson, Oral Chelation Therapy
  5. Hillary, Eve, Children of a Toxic Harvest, p.147