Anti-Cancer Diet

Points to consider

Fruits and vegetables

  • Essential for our daily intake of vitamins and minerals. In their raw form, plant chemicals present in fruit and vegetables will destroy free radicals in the body.
  • Plant chemicals fight the viruses and diseases we come into contact with from day to day. They help build a healthy immune system.
  • Certain vegetables should be avoided due to starchy carbohydrate content: white potatoes and corn, (as well as potato starch and corn starch food additives)


  • Avoid all wheat, even wholegrain wheat
  • Limit starchy carbohydrates because starch turns to sugar which feeds cancer.
  • Certain gluten free grains are better, (buckwheat, millet and quinoa), but still should be consumed in small amounts because a low carbohydrate diet is essential for avoiding or beating. Starches convert to sugar which feeds cancer.
  • See Wheat, the UNhealthy wholegrain by William Davis:

Nuts and seeds

  • An important source of vitamins and minerals.
  • High in potassium, iron and phosphorous.
  • A good source of protein and ‘good’ oils.
  • Peanuts are not nuts and can cause health problems.

Fats and oils

  • Good fats are essential because they protect the cells from toxins in the body.
  • The best oils are those present in whole foods, (unprocessed).
  • The Essential Fatty Acids, omega-6 and omega-3, are best taken in the form of flax seeds, sesame seeds, avocado, olives and coconuts.
  • Fish oils are important for omega-3, but must be guaranteed mercury-free.
  • Any processed oil that is consumed should be cold-pressed.
  • An oil is not cold-pressed unless it is labelled cold-pressed.
  • Coconut oil and butter withstand high temperatures so can be used for cooking.
  • Heat extracted oils, or heated oils become carcinogenic, (toxic and possibly cancer-forming), in heat processing. This includes canola oil, general cooking oil and all margarine!
  • Oils should be stored in the dark.
  • Organic coconut oil has excellent health benefits, despite being a saturated oil
  • Organic butter is a valuable source of vitamins A,D,E and K.


  • Meat is a good source of essential protein.
  • Non-organic meat may contain chemical residue, antibiotics and hormones. The fat cells of animals provide the store house for these toxins.
  • Organic, home-cooked meats are best, and do not contain stored toxins.
  • Fish has many good properties, but due to mercury content, most is unsafe to eat. Wild Alaskan Salmon and sardines are probably the safest.
  • Processed meats like ham, bacon and sausage meats contain added chemicals and should be avoided.

Dairy products

  • Non-organic dairy products can contain toxins, stored in the fat cells of the animal. Organic dairy products are better.
  • The fat in homogenised milk has been broken down so much that it is easily absorbed. It causes weight gain and damages the arteries.  Non-homogenised milk is better.
  • Cow’s milk is mucous-forming and may a major cause of allergies.
  • Calcium found in plants can be absorbed well due to magnesium content, so provide good alternatives to cow’s milk.
  • Plant foods high in calcium are green vegetables, sesame seeds, tahini, chick peas, almonds, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds or pepitas, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, parsley, beetroot.
  • Goat milk may be more suited to humans than cow’s milk.
  • Cultured dairy products like bio-dynamic yoghurt and feta cheese can be assimilated more easily due to the presence of helpful bacteria which break down the molecules in the milk.


  • Eggs are high in nutrients. Free-range organic eggs are best.
  • Free-range eggs are less prone to viruses that battery eggs. Organic raw eggs can help to detoxify heavy metals from the body
  • Eggs are a complete protein.
  • Free-range eggs from healthy chickens do not cause heart disease, but are protective.


  • All forms of cane sugar should be avoided, whether brown, white or raw.
  • Processed cane sugar gives only a temporary energy boost, after which the energy level is lowered, and the body placed under strain in the digestive process.
  • Simple sugars occurring naturally in fruits and plants are good fuels for cells, producing energy. However even fruits should be eaten in small amounts. Too much fruit gives us a carbohydrate overload.
  • Other naturally occurring simple sugars such as honey, molasses or maple syrup can be used in small amounts.
  • Be aware of the sugar content of processed foods, e.g. tinned foods.
  • Foods labelled ‘no added sugar’ will probably contain the artificial sweetener, aspartame. This is a brain toxin.


  • All white salt should be avoided.
  • Sodium chloride, (table salt), has been refined to a state that is useful for flavour only.
  • The refining process creates toxicity.
  • Only unrefined salt should be used: Himalayan (pink) salt is best; Celtic (grey) salt. These unrefined (coloured) salts contain valuable minerals.

Acid or alkaline?

  • Sugar and starchy carbohydrates are acid forming. An overbalance of these foods in the diet will cause our bodies to be acidic. Body acidity can be tested using litmus paper on saliva or urine samples.
  • Raw vegetables are alkaline forming and create an internal alkaline environment.
  • The body should be slightly alkaline to function properly.
  • Cancer cell growth is thwarted in an alkaline environment.
  • For an anti-cancer diet, eat 75 – 80% raw fruit and vegetables at every meal.

Vitamin B17 for alternative cancer therapy

Philip Day has written an excellent book, “CANCER – Why we’re still dying to know the truth”. He outlines the exciting discovery of the use of vitamin B17 in curing cancer. Here are some extracts from his book:

“During the 1950s, after many years of research, a dedicated biochemist by the name of Ernst T. Krebs, Jr., isolated a new vitamin that he numbered B17 and called ‘laetrile’. As the years rolled by, thousands became convinced that Krebs had finally found the complete control for all cancers, a conviction that even more people share today.”

“‘Nitrilosides’ are natural foods rich in Vitamin B17. This vitamin is characterised by a large group of water-soluble, essentially non-toxic, sugary compounds found in over 800 plants, many of which are edible. one of the most common sources of B17 is found in plentiful supply within the kernels (seeds) of many non-citrus fruits, such as cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums and apples. However it is within the seed of the humble apricot that the highest concentrations of B17 can be found, up to 2 to 2.5 percent by weight in most varieties.”

Krebs’ studies showed that when a human or animal system ingests sufficient amount of laetrile (or in its natural form, hydrocynacic acid), this substance becomes selectively toxic to cancer cells.”
Krebs was aware that indigenous peoples consuming vast quantities of hydrocyanic acid were not experiencing any harmful side-effects. On the contrary, their lives were characterised by abundant good health and extreme longevity.
from Cancer – Why we’re still dying to know the truth, by Phillip Day, pp. 23-26

To find out more about this therapy, get hold of Phillip Day’s book. Available from

Philip Day lists foods containing vitamin B17. (Remember that while apricot, plum, peach and apple seeds contain higher concentrations, these other foods contain B17 as well)

  • kernels of apricots, plums, peaches, apples and nectarines
  • sheep sorrel (see recipe for sheep sorrel tea in The Healing Power of Food)
  • flaxseeds
  • tapioca
  • alfalfa sprouts
  • barley
  • blackberries
  • cashews
  • garbanzo beans (chick peas)
  • macadamia nuts
  • lentils
  • lima beans
  • millet
  • walnuts
  • yams
  • strawberries

Phillip Day’s research shows that people with cancer should consume apricot kernels, and people who do not have cancer should also consume them, in a lower dose, as a cancer preventative.

For those with cancer, Phillip Day suggests 40 per day, (depends on body weight), but build up to this amount gradually. People who are free of cancer and want to avoid it should take 8-10 per day. Don’t take more than 5 in one hour. For cancer patients particularly, it is important to consume paw paw and pineapple each day, as the natural enzymes strip the coating on the cancer cells, so that the B17 in the kernels can work. Vitamins A and E are also important for enhancing the work of the kernels.

Paul Reid, whose healing is outlined in The Healing Power of Food, built up to 30 kernels a day at the peak of his nutritional therapy and now takes a small maintenance dose. It is essential to take pancreatic enzymes or paw paw enzymes while taking apricot kernels.

Find out about seven superfoods that have recently been discovered to have excellent health benefits: