Amalgam fillings

Amalgam Fillings

Silver or amalgam dental fillings contain around 50% mercury, 35% silver and various other metals. Mercury is more toxic than lead, cadmium and even arsenic. Furthermore there is no known toxic threshold for mercury vapour, meaning that even the smallest amount of mercury vapour can be harmful. Mercury is continually released from amalgam fillings in the form of mercury vapour, and chewing, brushing and drinking hot liquid all increase this.

Scientific research has demonstrated that mercury, even in small amounts, can damage the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, blood cells, enzymes, hormones, and as well, suppresses the body’s immune system. Mercury has been shown to pass through the placental membrane in pregnant women, causing permanent damage to the brain of the developing foetus. Because cancer is a disease of toxicity, the mercury’s contribution to the cause of cancer must be considered. Amalgam fillings were first used in Paris in 1832, and in that same year the world’s first case of Multiple Sclerosis was reported. In a study involving the US FDA, out of 113 MS patients, 86 reported significant improvement or total cure at some time after the fillings were replaced.

Mercury is attracted to fat, so for detoxification, raw eggs in juice, with the addition of cold-pressed olive oil, vitamins C, E and antioxidants are recommended. Butter and coconut oil in the diet are also recommended. The mercury will be eliminated as it clings to the ingested fats and passes through the body. People on juice fasts may experience severe detoxification effects, so may need to include some raw eggs, butter and olive oil. Only a biological dentist, using special apparatus including a rubber oral dam and mask, should only remove amalgam fillings.

Gary Martin
Living Valley Springs Health Retreat